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Cagey M.F.'s Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Dirty Spirits


with a heart that can feel again

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from the album “Uniform”

she hides her heart under the pillow
waiting for the good fairy to come
replace this worn and broken thing
with a heart that can feel again
she’s never sure which night will be her lucky one
but she anticipates it will be any day now
she wraps it up with a pretty bow
trying to hide the ugliness
fill in the scars with some paper mache
and paint it bright like a rainbow

angie fights crime's avatar
angie fights crime said

what a strange song, I wonder what I was thinking.

odh's avatar
odh said

I love the idea of doing the same words over different styles. And they're all good. The ones I've heard so far anyway...

lucidlucille's avatar
lucidlucille said

Groovy and catchy, interesting change of pace after the first three tracks.

Guest said

I'm on track 4, and the uniform lyrics are really starting to give me the feeling that I'm following the heroine through several days, and although she's experiencing the same bittersweet sentiments, the affect they have on her is different each time. This track, for example, is more playful than the others, though it carries the same meaning. Very clever idea, Brent. It completely works. Gorgeous chorus melody.

am/fm dreams's avatar
am/fm dreams said

another fav - love that accordian

Dirty Spirits's avatar
Dirty Spirits said

nailing a great feel on this one. eighties alt rock. early rem. good one.

am/fm dreams's avatar
am/fm dreams said

nice...LOVE the accordian
