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Cagey M.F.'s Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Dirty Spirits


Erratic Rita (RPM)

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When my ‘whole morning for recording’ turned into 30 minutes, I did this. Beep beep;

Driving all over the fucking road.
Left right left right doesn’t really matter.
In n out of lanes in my mitsubishi colt
Left right left right doesnt really matter.

Indicate left. Go straight on.
Indicate right. Go straight on.

Driving all over the fucking road
In n out of lanes like it doesnt really matter.
It matters.

Beep beep.

Erratic Rita!

Hand with a fag in other with phone
Putting on her make up on looking in mirror
Crunchin em gears till they finally gone
4th gear 2nd gear might not manage either

See a red light. Go straight on.
Green means go. Slam the breaks on.

In and out of lanes in my mitsubishi colt
Left right left right doesn’t really matter.
It matters.

Beep beep.

Erratic Rita!

Cave Street's avatar
Cave Street said

It matters! Love your entire album, Alex! Thank you!

angie fights crime's avatar
angie fights crime said

this song gets better and better every time i listen to it.

Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

(Haha, sounds like you're sending up Gumbo Stu.)

Letter Seventeen's avatar
Letter Seventeen said

Fabulous work, Alex. It matters! beep-beep.

launched's avatar
launched said

I'm really digging your RPM stuff. Think I'll just play your thread right through - Well done man!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

It's what's best about RPM. You folks are so damn creative.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Ha! funny stuff.

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Great lyrics! I know that Rita girl!! "it matterszzzzzzzzzz" beep beep! Love that

angie fights crime's avatar
angie fights crime said

FUCKING BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dirty Spirits's avatar
Dirty Spirits said

bravo! erratic and lovely.

Gene Eric Mann's avatar
Gene Eric Mann said

I believe half of the drivers in the world have been caught in traffic behind Rita and can relate and appreciate this song. The other half of drivers are Rita! I enjoyed this. Rock on!

thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

aaaaaah...oooooou.ouuuuuuuu....Love it!!
