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Cagey M.F.'s Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Dirty Spirits


The Journey To Neverland

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Reg is trying to find escape from all the bad news surrounding him, his age, his life, the world as a whole, He needs to escape he can not do anything to help the suffering people of the world apart from maybe send money, he can’t change this flow of continual bad news. He needs escape!! Where can he go?……Ah Hah!!! He has it he’s of to Neverland nothing bad ever happens in Neverland…………..Well as long as your not Captain Hook………That is… the place you can escape to and you don’t need anything to do it apart from yourself……..Neverland.

Cave Street's avatar
Cave Street said

"tears jerking down his face" ^ love that line.... GReat track, Regs!

Guest said

Great soundscape guys.Words that need saying too.

The Wetband's avatar
The Wetband said

Great track, Reg. Gotta get Kenny (Guns and Laughter) over here to hear this one! The organ is the perfect accompaniment, with its carnival and church overtones. The Carnival Barker is terrific.

Guest said


richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

another musical/lyrical journey with our friend, Reg,,,,,, you have some interesting/powerful comments,, both personal and global,, interesting piece,,, it seems to me that your choice of media/presentation allows you to say things that others can't or don't,, (which is neither good or bad) anyway i enjoy your work very much.. Richard

Dirty Spirits's avatar
Dirty Spirits said

crazy stuff. wow, sonic saturation. is this cacophony? funk no! awesome.

stoman's avatar
stoman said

Your stuff is so crazy, it's impossible not to like it! :) Regards, Steffen

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Utterly brilliant. Stunning.

twirretwarre's avatar
twirretwarre said

I hope Reg is back now, so that he finds this comment, I think this is so special and it is a great idea of him, that he escapes this way, because he brings good vibes creating this wonderful journey for us! :-)

Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Epic story here.

Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Deal lord this mad....mad....and fantastic....and mad.........As Charlie would say.......winning!
