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Cagey M.F.'s Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Dirty Spirits



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In memory of my cousin Mike, nicknamed Shovel Head, because of the Harley Davidson Shovel Head motorcycle he drove.


I can feel the wind blow
Lean into that winding road
Setting Sun against my skin
Shift into that high gear
Get the hell on out of here
Another ride, is about to begin

It’s been a long life in a short time
Filled with pleasure and pain
Shovel Head is what they call me
But Michael is my name

Open throttle is what I live for
Sprocket spins beneath my seat
If you think you’re something special
I’ll be the one to beat

You wont need no map to find me
I’ll be riding toward the front
Just a flash of sunlight glistening
Or a strange and subtle bump

Guest said

So sweet, so beautiful. ROCK ON! You're such a soul man, you're layin' the grooves with so much love and color and warmth -- it's good to know I can always find a Greg Connor tune when I need it, right here on alonetone -- fabulous!

Robert Palomo's avatar
Robert Palomo said

I'm enjoying discovering your non-banjo stuff. Production is getting really good. Clean, nice sound image... something that still eludes me.

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Very nice. Enjoyed this one Greg. :)

Guest said

This is a great song with a catchy melody.

Dirty Spirits's avatar
Dirty Spirits said


James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Nice groove. Any rider can dig it from the first groan of that scooter.

Guest said

Nice way to honer your cuz Greg. I think I will learn that one , if you don't mind. Good song great guitar. Ted

Roger M. Harris's avatar
Roger M. Harris said

So sorry on you're loss Greg, but man, what a beautiful send off

Lisa D's avatar
Lisa D said

I echo every thing that has been said so far. This is a beautifully-crafted tribute.

Ron's avatar
Ron said

This might be one of my favorite songs of yours Greg.....lots of atmosphere and great guitar playing ..very tasteful....sorry to hear about your cousin though...way to young!

Guest said

Ride on Mike, The wind is in our Faces, the road is my Way, Ill love it and Live the Hyway! Hell Man thats My way! Slidey sweet and Hard Way!

02bfree's avatar
02bfree said

Yeah it's fast. No,you can't ride it.

terrysongs's avatar
terrysongs said

OUT THERE IN THE WIND, You caught a edge of riding freedom. 48 is early to leave. still chasing the horizon somewhere. Ride on, brother Michael

Nosda Cariad's avatar
Nosda Cariad said

Catchy tune

Guest said

Cool tune.
