dAb's listening history

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Being as I am in something of a musical trough of despair (it's not as much fun as it sounds) right now I thought I'd try messing with my TMA-2 Reaktor instrument and try and coax some better results from it. From a promising beginning TMA…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
I'm going through something of a dark time at the moment and it's a rare evening I actually have something tangible to show for it. Mostly it's frustration, depression, and a blanket of grey despair. Tonight was different and I can only hope that…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Here's to insignificance my friend. May you never be squashed like a bug. Instruments used: Kontakt, LoopShifter, Stylus RMX Effects used: Eos, DubStation, Replicant, Augustus Loop
Mr Sandbags's avatar
More LoopShifted piano accompanied by Stylus RMX and Omnisphere. At over eight minutes it's perhaps a little self-indulgent but maybe it's more like punting down the river Styx than jet-skiing on a lake of fire.
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
When I wrote this song.... It was about staying true to your Ideals... In fact... It is about a person that put me in a very difficult situation.... One that effected my life for a while... Just for doing the right thing... I think…
vaisvil's avatar
From last February... I'm not sure where I'm going - its late - I'm tired so I may be out of my mind. several absynths pianoteq heavily modified session 3 drums through guitar rig stratocastor through guitar rig vocoded voice via korg ms2000…
Reefwalker's avatar
Did the guitar tracks first, followed by bass, then drums and vocals last. I wrote this song in a bookstore, after I came home and recorded it, I realized I made the song too short for all the lyrics. Im talking, she's texting Im givin…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Hybrid analog/digital rock and roll. I'm trying out some new guitar FX and amp sims in Pro Tools. They are not so bad all distorted and fuuzzzzed up. I tried to sing it, but hey, you know, I give it hell though right? It's a Goddess of War…
mmi's avatar
Took sandbag's [Andromeda 1](http://alonetone.com/sandbags/tracks/andromeda-1) and applied some BigSeq2 and LiveCut. Added a little FM8 underneath. And this happy little accident came out.
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Another slice of Reaktor based weirdness from the particle collider ensemble I am tentatively naming TMA-2. You can't tell from how it sounds I guess but the latest development is that particle energy now governs velocity, i.e. more energetic…