Daniel Horrell's listening history
A good friend of mine Harris Kidd filmed a short piece of work starring my other great friend (and my drummer) Zay Brignall, anywaaays he asked if I could make a soundtrack for it soooo I sat down and watched it over and over and started plunking…
Just some quick fun!
enjoy :)
(ps. It gets really good, It's a building tune)
I did this live performance at the Shore 104.3 radio station yesterday (Aug.25'10) directly after singing this song in the vancouver PNE talent contest and winning first prize! hope you like it!
Check out the video of the PNE performance!
This is an absolutely beautiful song written by Jon Foreman for his side project Fiction Family and I felt like givin it a shot soo I just kinda learnt it and threw it together theres a few flubbups but they kinda workout well in the end
enjoy :)
The next step in the progression of this song... It still needs quite a bit of cleanup (and some extra arranging), but it's getting there.
Hey, everyone writes songs about falling in love (which for me was, like, seventeen years ago), so I thought…
I like to jam with my buddy Chris, but he gets tired after just a few songs. One day, on his way out the door I started playing this (the original chorus was: Chris is pussin out, he is going home . . .)
*updated audio 1-12-11
A tender farewell to a mother leaving for a long trip home.
Walking through a new world with a new perspective; everything is a circuit; everything is infinite and electronic. Artificial things and natural things are the same.