diegesisfreak's listening history

vaisvil's avatar
Heh, I couldn't believe I forgot to share this with my friends here. Well here is the story. I'm sure you'll only listen once and probably not all the way to the end. Year: 2008 Album: Singles Artist's description: Many years ago…
thetworegs's avatar
Johnny Stones fabulous tune was playing on the juke-box in the cellar last night and Robert got up to do his thing but Reg told him to step down and let him have a go.Reg took over proceedings and blew everyone away down the cellar with his take…
thetworegs's avatar
This was a collab i heard today on Songcrafters and was wondering wether to ask to have a go at it vocally when Tharek sent me message asking me to have a go so Thanks Tharek and Dave, i am more than pleased to give it a go. i loved this music…
littleplaythings's avatar
Galileo's Cough Drop's avatar
This composition is a remix/reincarnation of a [previous tune](http://alonetone.com/gcd/tracks/seven-flavors-of-milk) I wrote a while back. I wasn't ever quite satisfied with it and had neglected to incorporate a nifty additional bit of melodic…
Galileo's Cough Drop's avatar
I came up with the initial rhythmic riff on my bass, then looped it to create the basis for this track. Then, I layered another "lead" bass track on top of that, added some percussion, and finally topped it off with an electric piano-ish sound…
vaisvil's avatar
This is a study on using split keyboards and virtual instrument layering for live performance. More information is here http://chrisvaisvil.com/?p=1050 if you are into that sort of thing. Also Lucian Freud has died today. I’m using one…
diegesisfreak's avatar
Oh you, you chase the past wanting more Oh you, chase the past wanting more
Thank you for the send off It's nice to know you didn't care and all the years have all gone silent Im wiping bitter tears Im not sorry that I told you what I thought of you was true because what if I had to spend my whole life lying to…