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My Bicycle Transforms Into... 2

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I acquired some amazing 80s synth plug-ins for this one - the Prophet 5, ARP2600 and Yamaha DX-7 are all over this track.

It started life as a 90 second instrumental for a video I’d produced to promote my business; my wife hated it so I wrote something more vanilla for the video and used that instead. This obviously needs vocals (another job for another time and place) but I’m really happy with this sonically - I like the mix and feel of it.

There is a ‘Bicycle’ Part 1 but this got completed first - I’ll post the other one when it’s done…

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Yep, when the bass kicks in at 0:40 or so, it's a really cool bass line, but it's possibly a bit sinister sounding for a business promo (mebbe depends what business you're in?!! lol)
