Lalo Oceja's listening history

Wildgeas Music's avatar
This is an RPM collaboration with Bethan. It's part of her 2014 challenge. It was the most fun I had this RPM. Thanks a bunch Bethan. Enjoy! © 2014 Mathis - Lennon
Jason Earls's avatar
This is an extreme variation of Paganini's 24th Caprice, no where near the original. I just took some parts from it and did them my own way, not trying to follow the original version at all. Thanks for listening.
vaisvil's avatar
The poem is by Jason Kirk Bartley This is in 19 edo and I play drums using a Simmons SMDP1 drum pad. The quality of poem is a lot higher than my music which is kind of an odd psychedelic blues not usually associated with the subject.
richardlaceves's avatar
Florance! Il Duomo one of the many many great architectural wonders of Italy,, Filippo Brunelleschi creates one of the most beautiful Domed churches of all time in 1471, and it's still there today to marvel at,,,also i had my first gelato there…
kirklynch's avatar
Recently picked up an old Ovation 12 string for cheap and also the newer Boss octave pedal, so I had to do something with the new toys
richardlaceves's avatar
RPM tack 2 --i stand atop the cathedral Notre Dame, fluffy white clouds float in an electric blue sky, gazing towards to Tour De Eiffel, i notice a small balloon flitting and flying along in the gentle summer breeze over the skyline of Paris
richardlaceves's avatar
I was passing by a darkened church this evening, as the wind danced through the trees, looking though the a window, i noticed a single candle lit, flickering on the alter step, casting a shadow within.. as i pressed an ear to the dusty glass…
vaisvil's avatar
kirklynch's avatar
Solo acoustic guitar recorded January 2nd 2009. Hope to do a longer more developed version at some point ,but for now just a short version to learn more about using new DAW software.
Coeur Machant's avatar
This song was written to celebrate freedom, actually, (the Russian at the end is one of the dudes from saying "sound should be free!") after a decade when I wasn't. Props to Shreya, who apparently is like me and will just not go…