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Poetry, a Cubist's View

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Poetry, a Cubist’s View is a “mash” of Benjamin Smith’s Ben.improv.Jul.16.2013 on electric piano and a combination of Paul Mimlitsch’s bass clarinet and soprano clarinet improvisations: “71913bcimpx1?, “71913scimpx1?, and “71913scimpx2?. I added effects, video and production.

Guest said

Full and exciting Chris. I thought it would be marvellous as a soundtrack for a film of the book Animal Farm. Not what you intended I'm sure! Cheers Bee

fallingupart's avatar
fallingupart said

I heard this on the radio just the other day. ;) Sorry, I jest. Nice piano tone. Is it a real Rhodes or synthesized?

sluggthesickpuppy's avatar
sluggthesickpuppy said

that's rather nice vais, a bubble & squeak of free jazz
