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A man in his prime

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Unfulfilled dreams of a mysterious tango dancer.

Roger M. Harris's avatar
Roger M. Harris said

Very clever :)

dougsparling's avatar
dougsparling said

Oh yeah, this is awesome!

Guest said

This is so great!!

stricknice's avatar
stricknice said

fantastic!...this song takes such great twists and even seems to melt around the edges.

igor's avatar
igor said

Here I played on Roland Jupiter 80 and Roland Integra 7 synthesizers (incredible instruments for all those who love and who live with sounds and emotions); chained/multilayered; live recording.

BogStomp's avatar
BogStomp said

This is so cool.

thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Just back from a night out average walk p a very steep hill and this exactly how my head the tap dance p the stair without waking the foe!,,......wish me luck!

Breaking Light's avatar
Breaking Light said

Cool percussives!

Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

Excellent, captured my attention start to finish. (So much for twxting and driving :)

Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

Excellent. Ca

fallingupart's avatar
fallingupart said

Oh, I'm not sure those are steel drums at all. What the heck are they? Awesome, in any event.

fallingupart's avatar
fallingupart said

Is this live timpani and steel drums? If it's not, it sure sounds that way! I like.
