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The Ghost of John Muir (with Letter Seventeen)

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So I’m watching Ken Burns’ documentary on the National Parks and realize that I’d never written that John Muir song I had been meaning to get to… So I got to it. Tim Alexander (Letter Seventeen) mentioned that he thought the song needed a mandolin. He sent a mandolin track along. He was right.

The Ghost of John Muir

My sister walks down the coast of Maine
Through the stones that wash out the sorrow and rinse out the pain
It’s a trail that she knows so well
Running towards heaven, running like hell
With a soul she won’t sell

Packed a lunch for a mountain climb
Up in the Rockies you forget about time
Only thinking ‘bout where you are
Next time we’re up here, we’ll bring the guitar
And play to the stars

Out in the air so clean and so pure
Standing beside the ghost of John Muir

Twenty-five miles to the other side
It’s a trail through the Canyon with no chance to ride
A pack on your back in the heart of the Earth
You’ll sure as hell find out (come to know) just what your life’s worth
Then comes the rebirth

Out in the air so clean and so pure
Standing beside the ghost of John Muir

I’ve never seen the Pacific coast
Or John’s favorite valley I value the most
I think it’s time that I take that flight
Out of my darkness and into that light
You know I just might

Get out in the air so clean and so pure
Right there beside the ghost of John Muir
Up in the sky, of one thing I’m sure
It’s time to go find the ghost of John Muir

another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

How did I miss this? Love it! w;-)

Guest said

I have to admit I did not know who John Muir, the Scottish-born American naturalist, was until I google'd him. Hey, your song taught me something new. Again, the lyrics and the music is nicely done. It's a great story/message song. If I ever get to go to Yosemite national park, I will play this song on my iPod while hicking there, looking for his ghost! I like it a lot. The combination sounds of the ukulele and guitar works very well. To me, its pure Americana. Another great song, Keith!

Gumbo's avatar
Gumbo said

You caught the sense of the space-time being plentiful beautifully.

Guest said


Guest said

Wow, love the thickening of the guitar sound at around 1 minute - very effective and emotive!

Guest said

Lovely all round song. Most enjoyable.

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Damn fine singing/songwriting
