Sandy Gritt's listening history

Dweeb's avatar
I keep writing songs about communism, for some reason. I thought it was slightly amusing to discover that Mashino actually IS an industrial town. Sounds like "Machine". Get it? Get it??
henwrench's avatar
Keep 'em movin'...
Jason Earls's avatar
This is from the movie Crossroads, a guitar piece from the head-cutting guitar duel near the end. I put background music to it, which makes it sound quite a bit different from the original version. Below I also have a video of me playing it solo…
JESMIAUS 's avatar
going to be off of my next album "Cryptical Condition".
JESMIAUS 's avatar
The it should be and will remain except needs better mixing and mastering. This is what it will sound like on the album just about. Which is going to be titled "Cryptical Condition".
JESMIAUS 's avatar
Instrumental song on the upcoming "Cryptical Condition" album. The bass was more than a pain to remember each phrase but mostly done right.
girl named sam's avatar
Love song from the prompt "Rain"
Graduate's avatar
There are too many amazing quotes from this film to not sample them SOMEWHERE in my album. Time after time, the 'yo-yo master' line got me laughing, so I thought I'd pay homage to it.
Graduate's avatar
I would make the 70's sound more like this.
Graduate's avatar
I'd be lying if I said this entire track wasn't sparked by the opening audio clip. It really made me think about the ways some people create their own enjoyment. Cool.