Geir's listening history
A song performed by my two young daughters Tabitha and Matilda i'm sure you'll enjoy!!...i'm sure i don't trump that much.......
One of the electronic tracks of the album,a road trip soundtrack, to or fro, you decide... not much difference... the trip itself is of the essence.
Track 1 of the "Supernova" album (2015) - high quality download available for free at http…
Sometimes you need to stay up late to try to force yourself to dream.
When I wrote this song (and started singing it a bit), I knew that my voice could never give it what it needed... So I turned it over to one Sister Savage... And she did…
Music: Vaisvil
Vocals/Lyrics: TheTwoRegs
Percussion: Norm
If I could ask for some calm please!
Can everybody just settle down calm down please?
You must vote to separate the wheat from the chaff.
The wheat from the…