Gumbo's listening history

David Marcouillier's avatar
Grew out of my frustration at having to sing, play all the instruments, and engineer my own recording... Baby, Would You Be My Engineer?: Baby, would you be my engineer and keep my headphones sounding clear? I desperately need someone…
David Marcouillier's avatar
A song about the lost art of the mix-tape and knowing that someone is trouble but doing it anyway... Compilation Tapes: Did I mention that I think that you’re a real fine dancer and I like the way you dress? I’ve known a number of girls…
David Marcouillier's avatar
The title just popped into my head unannounced one day and I had to try to work from that. About a girl with a broken radio and the repairman who would do anything to find her a new one and win her love... It certainly appears broken, Minerva…
glu's avatar
This is my 12 hour song (written, recorded, mixed, mastered) ... I pined away all day at it while a storm kept me company. instrumentation: a man lost his house and sold me his fretless bass for next to nothing. a family friend gave me…
Endicott Road's avatar
This one is asking the doctor for that magic elixir of life.
ReyMar's avatar
ReyMar's avatar
Azote Bezerro's avatar
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Azote Bezerro's avatar
Esta obra está bajo una licencia de Creative Commons.
Azote Bezerro's avatar
Esta obra está bajo una licencia de Creative Commons.