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Gumbo's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Gumbo



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I was thinking about a guy that I met one time in the street in Montreal who was just kind of aimlessly wandering about Canada following the death of his son…


I’m on my way, on my way,
On my way back to Dufresne…

I remember a funeral
and the grey and the rain
and a slow motion bus ride
and the ghost of a train.

My drugs have worn off
and I’m freezing cold
and I don’t think I
can afford to get old.

I’m on my way, on my way,
On my way back to Dufresne…

It’s a poorly written movie
in a low budget dream
and I don’t speak French
and they keep changing my scene.

Make my head stop,
wake me when it’s over,
pack up my shit,
and send me back to Manitoba.

I’m on my way, on my way,
On my way back to Dufresne…

It’s a cab to the station,
then a CPR train from
Montreal to Winnipeg,
and then a bus to Dufresne.

I’m on my way, on my way,
On my way back to Dufresne…

©2009 D. Marcouillier

Guest said

I have met alot of homeless people..more often than not..state of mind is assosciated to what you mentioned..

Gumbo's avatar
Gumbo said

I have to find time to sit back and blast this album out. I've heard three tracks so far when I'm rushed and I keep wanting to play the whole thing LOUD. Another great track, David.

Guest said


Guest said

I didn't give this the serious listen that it deserves the first time (I was probably feeding my kids, with Alonetone playing through my tiiiiiny laptop speaker). I love your vocal! Sounds absolutely phenomenal! This is a great song, David.

Guest said

I love the mood of this one. Great job, David. -J
