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Gumbo's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Gumbo


Davy Jone's Grip

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My Pirate song. Sounds more like a polka band, but what the hell. I had fun doing it.
a song for Gumbo.

we sailed the angry seas
til we found a neutral port
we rowed the ship to shore
to go and find a fancy whore
down at the Buccaneer inn
we’ll be in Davy Jone’s grip

cause it’s a raider’s life for me
a blacksmith’s son who sails the sea
and if they catch us at the door
we’ll dance the hempin jig for sure
down at the buccaneer inn
we’ll be in Davy Jone’s grip

we’re all just salty dogs
we live on fish and wild hogs
we tar our cups for our ale
the hogshed never seems to fail
down at the buccaneer inn
we’ll be in Davy Jone’s grip

once I sailed with blackbeard’s band
we sacked our ship and had to land
Instead of hangin from a rope
the bastards cut off my left hand
down at the buccaneer inn
we’ll be in Davy Jone’s grip

thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

AYEE I'ma gotta minea Darncing Shoes onna Mr Geeas havea you?

Mrs. Nussbaum's Credit Card's avatar
Mrs. Nussbaum's Credit Card said

as I said before, I'll be on the poop deck.

Guest said

we tar our cups for our ale...what does this line mean? Never heard that saying. I could see this being on sponge bob square pants..ever seen that cartoon?...except the whore part. heheh cool song bro. I can hear sound efx and voices in this.

Guest said

This is great!

 ShamPain's avatar
ShamPain said

great fun. love those angry seas. great words

Guest said

OMG! I am loving Pirate month! And I'm such a landlover; I thought Davey Jones was a Monkee...

Guest said

Big thumbs up !

Gumbo's avatar
Gumbo said

added to the Pirate Radio list, by the Scunners!

Gumbo's avatar
Gumbo said

What could be more Piratical than a Polka Band! Yargghh for the house band, and circulate the flaggons lads!

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Polka on pirate! The buccaneer inn sounds like my kinda place!
