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Gumbo's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Gumbo


Space Trumpet

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Space Trumpet was an excuse to try out my new plugin “Little Spacey” from Expert Sleepers and also to exercise the Kore sounds from Acoustic Refractions.

MIDI was supplied via IAC from Reaktor using Lazyfish’s Spiral sequencer. The project tempo was a languid 86bpm and I kept Spiral slow using 11 objects. The MIDI was played using Kore2 with the ‘Electric Violin’ patch from Refractions selected. After much messing about I stuck with the ‘A’ variation of the patch as punching through Little Spacey’s delay effects best.

After a number of bars I automate Little Spacey into the mix using the ‘Deep Crush’ preset. I let it run for a little before bringing in a beat from Stylus RMX with reverb, beat delay, and chorus along with LFO driving panning.

After that I just mess about automating LittleSpacey’s feedback, color, and modulation speed & depth parameters until I found some regions of sound that I like.

I spent about an hour on it all told and ended up quite liking the result which, despite the Electric Violin sound being closer to a guitar, was reminscent to me of the trumpet sounds of the aliens from close encounters.

Hence I present to you: The Space Trumpet

Let me know what you think. Also welcome any ideas or feedback about process, tools, techniques.

The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's avatar
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co said

Cool and distant, :)

Breaking Light's avatar
Breaking Light said

Thanks Mr.Sandbags. More live stuff to come real soon.

Skidoo!'s avatar
Skidoo! said

So *that's* what a space trumpet sounds like. I had always wondered.

olifante's avatar
olifante said

Captivating soundscape

mmi's avatar
mmi said

dark wave ambient wonder

Gumbo's avatar
Gumbo said

That's a good excuse :~)

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Sounds like the music for a 50's sci fi movie- COOL!!
