Richard Hardrick's listening history

Zachary Turner's avatar
Piece for 4 toy piano tracks
Zachary Turner's avatar
Jean-Luc Thomas's avatar
So if you have eight minutes to chill out and listen to something that probably will rub you the wrong way. Here ya go. This is the musical result of a good nap while listening to frantic Jazz music. From a musician that knows nothing about…
Richard Hardrick's avatar
recorded with my nylon strings guitar, and the kit mic-phones to chat hahahaha ;)
Sudara's avatar
A typical folk song. Written and recorded in about an hour for the 24 hour album (attempted on March 13th). Excuse roughness and vocal glitches, it was 2am and this was my first full take. Thanks to montgomeru for his chord suggestions…
thetworegs's avatar
There is always something going on.......Have a look!
Richard Hardrick's avatar
recorded with my nylon strings guitar, and the kit mic-phones to chat hahahaha ;)
launched's avatar
Another one rebuilt after my freak SD card initialization fiasco. The excellent solo work was done by my buddy Gnasty - I love it! This is the second part of a two part song. I'll get the other part up next hopefully. Badass Solos: Gnasty…
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Came up with this Before bed last night. Had to record it this morning so I wouldn't forget the Sound of it... Live recording I'll do a better version when I have more time... Well.... Off to work for me... This is…
kirklynch's avatar
Had these backing tracks laying around on my drive for a while and didn't know what to do with them, so grabbed my Ebow and a fretless electric that I built for myself a couple years ago and had a go. My fretless playing is really in its infancy…