Richard Hardrick's listening history

sig076 's avatar
Just a little jam track i came up with. Simple little chord progression simple lead work.
ic42's avatar
Back in April 2007 I wrote a slow ambient piece of music. I started by computer-generating a nice chord progression, then slowing it way way down. My thought was to make the music so achingly slow that the listener would begin anticipating the…
mmi's avatar
An ambient guitar piece done rather quickly, warts and all. Stems from ideas I've been developing on my new JamMan looper pedal (catnip for guitarists if there ever was such a thing).
mmi's avatar
An ambient guitar piece done rather quickly, warts and all. Stems from ideas I've been developing on my new JamMan looper pedal (catnip for guitarists if there ever was such a thing).
mmi's avatar
A quick little indulgence. Got a new toy this week (valhalla shimmer). Just had to totally overuse it. Now to eat some chocolate.
1981's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
Just letting out my frustration at 'people' in general again.. nice to be able to vent it in a more pleasant way (for those interested in how I used to do it, please see :) Lo and behold now holy guacamole if…
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
Admital - the main guitar part for this was written and recorded for last RPM (shock horror!)but I had to give up on it when the file corrupted. Managed to salvage the audio though so rebuilt it around that. This year I managed to mix down just…
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A folksy number inspired by the stories my nan told me many moons ago about her uncle Herbie.. Herein lies the story, of a man named Herbie Jones. Not a million miles away from a man you might have known. A miner in the twenties, blue scars…
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
Requires work. Would be the first thing to say.. not least the bloody clipping. Just wanted to post something to prove im not dead. The song is inspired by my counselor kindly allowing me to leave my guilt with her last time i saw her. i told…