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someones coming for ya
slipping over the tiles
they're looking right up at ya
with their stalky little eyes
little stomach footed thing
making a beeline for ya
winding a silvery trail
by the light of the moon
kiss the snail
you know…
this song based on lyrics by member dirtywordholiday
an unfinished experiment. a tribute to 8-bit home computing.
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an unfinished experiment. a tribute to 8-bit home computing.
When anger knows no bounds. When betrayal begets rage. When sleep brings no rest. When fighting is just the beginning.
I hereby name this the "bridge to nowhere" mix since it was the musical content of the bridge that I spent the most time on.
If you've heard the song before, I've provided a shortcut video that plays the bridge from last night's version vs. tonight…
well its nearly there. I like to put stuff that I am working on up so that I can listen to it in passing for a day or so, it gives me the chance to hear it with new ears. And maybe get a little feedback/ suggestions. I need to finish the vocal…
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they're down there and they're making a tunnel under my bedroom floor... all night i hear the scrape of tiny picks and shovels and i cant take much more. i don't who they are but i know what they want, and i aint nobody's fool... i got some gas…
With lyrics and vocals by Eric Mantei. Collaboration via
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Shaken, not stirred please.
Experimenting more with sandbags' Elysium. This time I used it to trigger elephant samples for part of the percussion section.
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someones coming for ya
slipping over the tiles
they're looking right up at ya
with their stalky little eyes
little stomach footed thing
making a beeline for ya
winding a silvery trail
by the light of the moon
kiss the snail
you know…
so many ideas, so little time… ideally looking for partners in crime to bounce some ideas around with… either that or i’m gonna have to start finishing some stuff off…
i’m a spare time messer-arounder with bass, guitar, reason, theremin, stylophone, rat pedals, old shoeboxes, margarine tubs, sticky back plastic etc…
like all kinds of stuff… hypnotic shoegazey psychedelia edgy electronica angry industrial dance punk lofi experimentalism nasty noise dark twisted pop gems… sonic tractor beams that suck you right on in…
from Brighton, United Kingdom
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22 tracks