Jacob Talkington
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Composed for an original game project, currently in the works. Driving 4/4, saw waves and distorted guitars abound.
Needed something bassy and 4/4 for a project, which eventually spurned three remixes of this track.
This is a shortened edit of the full-length track, coming soon to a new album.
Melody-driven 4/4 house.
Written to tease out nostalgic memory; basslines like these have a visceral effect.
Wrote the original "Burning Down" in late 2007, and did this remix almost exactly a year later for use in a Fallout 3 video I created at the same time.
"Serene" was one of the first songs I ever wrote in Orion. 8 years later, it's still my weapon of choice, and the only software used to make this remix.
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Needed something bassy and 4/4 for a project, which eventually spurned three remixes of this track.
This is a shortened edit of the full-length track, coming soon to a new album.
I got me a new mic and a pre-amp and I picked up the Jumbo Eko (I'll do this again when my fingertips have recovered). I tried to do finger picking when I was a teen, but didn't pursue it as it seemed like too much hard work at the time. Today…
Wrote the original for a Sectionz.com Onyx Theme compo - this one was for the 2009 SEMG.
Wrote the original "Burning Down" in late 2007, and did this remix almost exactly a year later for use in a Fallout 3 video I created at the same time.
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This is one of my first ambient tracks, and it's been made up largely of sounds I've captured on a handheld recorder over the last five or so years.
Dark, and more than a little creepy.
Recorded the intro and traffic sounds on my bus ride to work two years ago. This one is urban-esque, breakbeaty, and switches up the tempo a few times. And there are fat funky synths to boot.
Wrote this with the intention of later releasing a vocal mix. Lyrics are already written, just need a vocalist (or to whip my own voice into shape).
Music boxes, strings, and a drum set that sounds like a caged animal trapped behind the "shinier…
After finishing Karmabomb (first album, released early 2009), a friend mentioned that "En Route", the last track, made him think of grizzled vets mumbling on the bus... so I ran with the idea.
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Composed for an original game project, currently in the works. Driving 4/4, saw waves and distorted guitars abound.
Melody-driven 4/4 house.
Written to tease out nostalgic memory; basslines like these have a visceral effect.
Recorded the intro and traffic sounds on my bus ride to work two years ago. This one is urban-esque, breakbeaty, and switches up the tempo a few times. And there are fat funky synths to boot.
People kept asking for something commercial-sounding. This was my response.
love it
This is one of my first ambient tracks, and it's been made up largely of sounds I've captured on a handheld recorder over the last five or so years.
Dark, and more than a little creepy.
Software studio + MIDI controllers + ears = these tracks.
from Austin, TX, United States
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13 tracks