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I PLAY C 2003 - I PLAY C

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I never sing this song the same two times in a row.
The lyric below is pretty close to how I sing it now.
Listening again, this is an awful version of this song…
I have my recording machine working again…I must redo this.


I play a C. I play a G
Then I play Am because it sounds so sweet

I work hard. I get tired
Then I go home to my woman and the children that I’ve sired
We eat beans. We eat bread
We brush our teeth. We take our bath
and then we go to bed.

Ain’t got time for politics.
No hi-toned conversation
No fancy guitar licks
I play a C. I play a G.
Then I play Am because it sounds so sweet.

I got lots of kids.
We got a big old bed
We make Es. We make Hs
We make every letter in the alphabet

We sleep hard. We dream deep.
And we hold on to each other
when we travel in our sleep

We were ten. Now we’re nine
and we see our little brother
in the dream see left behind

I play C…

(C) 2007 Royal T Music

…about a man that had no time for politics because just keeping his children fed took all his time and energy.

lsnaples's avatar
lsnaples said

I'm going to agree with your assessment, I've heard you do this song in person dozens of times and this is not one of your better versions. I think I'm going to blame it on the equipment.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Roberta Hargrove This is beautiful!!! I

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Like most or all of your songs, there is always something really stands out and pays off big time. That last verse (or is it the last two) is absolutely, powefully emotion packed. And it is somewhat Vonnegut like in that so much is conveyed so precisely and with elegant simplicity. "... in the dream we left behind" - my God man, it's pure genius. Not the first two times I heard the song, but the first time I "listened" to it, I thought WHAT WAS THAT! And the it sunk in.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Mary Guthrie James Michael Taylor favorite line:"... We dream deep. And we hold on to each other when we travel in our sleep."

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Stefan Prigmore James Michael Taylor thank YOU for writing such a powerful song and for letting me sing it

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

So sweet.. and I relate sooo well. I only had three, but birthing them in 4 yrs, they seemed double that in number at times. And we were a share the bed family too. I played my guitar and sang for them to put them to sleep. I still have memories of the peace that held for me, and I think for them. Gwyn Henry

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Seems ea song I hear of yours for the first time is my new favorite song of yours! Gwyn Henry

Guest said

Beautiful pictures.
