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Peggy taught me an Eagles song toward the end off our life together. I think it was NEW BOY IN TOWN. (I had no idea what she was telling me.) I took the chord progression from that song and wrote this. Peggy said that was cheating.


On a (G) road outside of Brownsboro there’s a (Bm) watermelon stand
Dm Dm - E
All boarded and bedraggled, fallen signs peak thru the sand
Am Am -
I recall my mother’s stories. I push back the hands of Time
Am - - D
And I pull off on the shoulder. Feel the breeze and smell the pine

There was a watermelon hauler. Big flatbed truck with built-up sides
Hauling melons into Dallas with a smile he couldn’t hide
Every time he loaded melons at that Brownsboro melon stand
He’d take a slice of Mother. She as a girl. He was a man.


Soft winds blow across the meadow. Feels it’s way up Natchez Creek.
Seems to whisper affirmation to the answers that I seek
I sit and listen to the stories Mother etched here in my mind
About that watermelon hauler and the girl he left behind

Does he roll down his window the way I do sometimes
Pull off here on the shoulder. Feel the breeze and smell the pines
And does he ever wonder whatever happened to that girl
In a time of quiet reflection in this busy, busy world…hmmm

(C) 2007 Royal T Music

I love singing this song to myself. I have sung it in public only once.
My problem is:
I start crying and the sobbing gets so so deep it turns my stomach into stone…
The fact that it’s a totally made up story, made up by me, in no way lessens the intensity of my response in it’s telling.
My “prompt” was all the “wind’ songs:” Mandolin Wind, Hickory Wind, Wayward Wind, Dust in the Wind, Blowing in the Wind, The Wind Cries, “,Mary,” Candle in the Wind, They Call the Wind Mariah, Winds of Change, Against the Wind, Colors of the Wind, Seminole Wind…

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Watermelon Wind is a good one too. Really inspiring images Lazarus Knight

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

The 1st time I sang this song in public was at a Nashville Songwriters Association meeting, Fort Worth chapter, and a woman burst out when it hit her. I can hardly sing this song without crying. I really know how to push my buttons. "...ha! Push your own buttons… I know hat you mean. I listened to the song again to refresh my memory…omg it is so pretty! And yes! I remember well, I did get it that the watermelon man was his father. In fact it brought to my mind another disappearing father, that of my daughter Lisa. He passed several yrs ago. So too late for him now. But your song has beauty and meaning for a lot of folks, I am sure." Gwyn Henry

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

One of my favorites of yours of all I've heard, Jim. Melody is so pretty and chord changes unusual. Guitar intro, so pretty, as is the whole song. Sweet story, and sweet song. I can relate to the adult child who wonders at her/his mother's girlhood love.

Guest said

Amazing song thank you for leaving the lyrics chords and that beautiful piano composition for us.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

What a lovely song! Very soothing. Brian Curran

terrysongs's avatar
terrysongs said

Great lyric,And that guitar is sounding real good. Good song.

Guest said

I sooo love your voice and your music...this is so beautiful.

igor's avatar
igor said

I'm still here, I listen all day long. All the songs here. I'm starting to feel like JMT, in fact. Hmm ...
