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IN MY DREAM - Fontanelle

James Michael Taylor

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IN MY DREAM by James Michael Taylor

Last night I held your hand
Reached out and touched your hand
I know it’s just a dream
I say, “What does that change?”
Today the sun will shine
Because you made it mine

I held you in my arms
The tenderness was real
I know your touch by now
And I will not forget
Today the sun will shine
Because you made it mine

They call me a dreamer
But dreams are all I have
And you call to me only
Today the sun will shine
Because you made it mine

The sun will rise today
the moon and stars survive
If moon and stars obey
Who are we to cry?

The universe has held together
Could it be it doesn’t care?
Is anybody anywhere?

Last night I held your hand
Reached out and touched your hand
I know it’s just a dream
I say, “What does that change?”
Today the sun will shine
Because you made it mine

(C) 2012 Royal T Music

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Robert White Just reading the words, maybe to the tune of In Deams By Roy Orbinson! One of My Favorite's! I would love to Sing a Duet with You! My Voice is High like Roy Orbinson and can sing lower like Elvis! Thanks for sharing!🤗😎

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Jack Lavender I could hear body parts tightening at the end.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Jody Jones So many wonderful songs you’ve penned James. Miss you.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

James Kempton That was really good, Thsnks, Jim

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Lazarus Knight Yep, the G is up there - Orbisonish indeed!

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Kat Angel Yep, that was a high note. I can't hit it. Pretty song.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

I like In my Dreams!! It does have an Orbison vibe! LIke the way it builds. Operatic. Orbison. Gwyn Henry

Guest said

Thanks for sharing this beautiful song, Jim. As always, you are a craftsman when it comes to songwriting and producing your work.

Guest said

This is a great song. Good strong vocals.

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