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James Michael Taylor

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Facebook is a horrible thing. The real world keeps intruding into the perfectly peaceful virtual world.


Real men, keep stealing’, my pretend girlfriend
Real men keep butting’ in. They’ve done it again. Real men
No one seems to notice I’m a novice at love
Shy as a shepherd. Meek as a dove
There’s a poet out in Midland with a beautiful smile
I’m working up the courage just to speak to the child
Next thing I know, she is engaged to some Bubba out there

Real men, keep stealing’, my pretend girlfriend
Real men keep butting’ in. They’ve done it again. Real men
I’ve got a lover up in Lubbock just a breaking my heart
Postin’ pretty pictures with some boy in the park
Holden’ hands and smiling’ at the camera that way
I’m sittin’ here wishing’ all my chances away

I’ve got a heifer up in Hereford just a hurting’ my heart
If I told her I existed, it would be a good start
Real men, keep stealing’, my pretend girlfriend
Real men keep butting’ in. They’ve done it again. Real men
No one seems to notice I’m a novice at love
Shy as a shepherd. Meek as a dove

(C) 2012 Royal T Music

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Great Poetry James!

stoman's avatar
stoman said

Hey, this one has a great drive. A perfect country/blues rocker.

Guest said

You cool dude!!! I love everything about this!

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

No FB for me....I prefer anti-social networking. Cool track man.

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Oh yeah, this is a real cool track. Love it.

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Disgrace book is what I call it. Great track mate.

JR James's avatar
JR James said

love the vocal work! It has an AM radio driving thru the midwest feel goin on. i dig!

terrysongs's avatar
terrysongs said

Rock on Jimmy,

Guest said

love it!

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