A mash created with Kavin/Breaking Light's Tin Can Dream Home from this weekends Sound-In event. I took a solo lap steel improv, mashed with Kavin's and manipulated both.
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22 fret to the octave 2 part improv. Growing up in the south and seeing the movie Hidden Figures this evening saddly brought them to mind but ever mindful.
A piece that came a few nights ago in some experimenting with midi over wifi and using my fretless guitar as a controller and an electric piano patch from the app. I looped the parts of the piece live in to Mobius.
I like the minimalism of this. You do a lot with a very simple synthesizer. This is the sort of thing I could envision playing over a shortwave radio in the middle of the night, announcing the commencement of a number station or something.
A piece that came a few nights ago in some experimenting with midi over wifi and using my fretless guitar as a controller and an electric piano patch from the app. I looped the parts of the piece live in to Mobius.
I'm fascinated currently with alter'd tunings and I don't mean the altered open guitar tunings used in a lot of acoustic folk, celtic and instrumental guitar which I have done and they are all great and inspiring. I'm speaking of the alter'd…
This is a very lose response interpretation/nod of the hat to a fine piece by composer James Ross, his piece Finding a Diamond on a Muddy Road https://soundcloud.com/jrossmusic/finding-a-diamond that is stellar.
Some interesting sounds, Jim. I like the little slides at the ends of many of the tones. It builds nicely and the return of the single tone idea at the end works well. And thanks for the mention.
this is all James Bailey’s work and again I just added the delayed stereo effects with the bent time lines left and right.. no big thing but I am liking this just as much as the original.. next comes the effects :) while the movie renders..
Comments on jimgoodinmusic's stuff
Interesting fusion of sounds and ideas
I dig the sounds.
Cool Jim! Thanks!
No Ban No Wall Tshirt:https://viralstyle.com/favorite/no-ban-no-wall-tshirt A Resistance and Solidarity Vigil. We ask everyone to join in solidarity If you're in supporter of #NoBanNoWall It's a great opportunity to strongly support them. Resistance & Solidarity campaign we launch only for NoBanNoWall supporter. Buy Now- Limited Edition #stopbannon
I love this! It totally captures my late December mood!
Nice job Jim. Thoughtful and pleasant tones.
Very relaxing. Love the backwards and downwards-pitched tones!
...I meant to say, "When do you sleep?"
How do you sleep?
I like the minimalism of this. You do a lot with a very simple synthesizer. This is the sort of thing I could envision playing over a shortwave radio in the middle of the night, announcing the commencement of a number station or something.
Cool method and process, your personality still shows through the machines Jim ;) -KAvin
nicely exotic Jim!
Great sound top job
I like this. It's artistic and strange.
Nice mix of sounds
Great sound here Jim. Congrats on the Ride!
I have had days that could support a background track like this.
Some interesting sounds, Jim. I like the little slides at the ends of many of the tones. It builds nicely and the return of the single tone idea at the end works well. And thanks for the mention.
Comments made by jimgoodinmusic
Bill like your graphic on this. Mixes are quite creative, you really paint tonality each week.