Keith Landry's listening history
Believe it or not, this song was written while swimming laps in the high school pool (I had to have the life-guard kid write down lines for me every time I returned from the deep end). Oddly enough, the first line I came up with was "Swimming…
An original guitar arrangement by Movement to Contact stirred this dormant memory from a long slumber.
A band version of this song
KC - guitar, vocals & mix
Bingsolex - lead guitar
Erwin B - bass, recording
Hans Nooitgedagt Jr - drums
They say that you are evil
They say that you are bad
They say you got me hooked
They say you drive…
I fear the day when it will be the last one.
I don’t know where to start, but I guess I’ll try
I can speak from my heart, and I’ll try not to cry
I won’t see you enough, and we know time’ll fly
Then we’ll fall out of…
Words: Keith Landry, Paul Mariz, Jeremy Camp, Wilson Ng
Music: John Saavedra, Wilson Ng
Newest song Ive written and recorded. Recorded at my sons home studio. My son produced, co wrote, and he plays the great lead guitar on the tune. Copyright by R.J. Garn and Jim Garn, December 2017.
An original guitar arrangement by Movement to Contact stirred this dormant memory from a long slumber.
A few months back, Jim (MTC) posted an outstanding acoustic track which summoned up a clear-as-day memory from my childhood. The vividness of that memory resulted in this song... Amazing how such significant events in your life (like recognizing…