Keith Landry's listening history

Gary Fox's avatar
What's rock and roll without a yee-haw or war-whoop before a solo? This ragged piece of something or other came from a riff I had laying around for a couple of years. I pieced it together kind of last minute for RPM 2006. It's not bad, a lot…
Gary Fox's avatar
This one is a personal favorite of mine, though it got savaged on Ah well... It has a lot of parts, lots of gtrs, and boatloads of harmonies. Actually, one guy on Garageband loved it. Maybe some day I will buy him a drink. Listen…
Gary Fox's avatar
Turn this one up REALLY FREAKING LOUD! Written, recorded and polished off in about 45 minutes or so. Clearly my British influence shines forth in this one, right down to the SG through a Vox amp tones and backward riffs here and there. (and…
thetworegs's avatar
Reg was talking to Elvis about Frank and he told him something he didn't can have it all then at the end not remember it which is what happened to Frank the grind ground him down a sad ending for a great man......Dementia is a cruel end…
Keith Landry's avatar
Gather 'round the bonfire for some sh*t-kicking New England bluegrass, boys and girls! Feel free to sing along! Massachusetts Born so near the ocean I can taste it Summer's so damn short you don't dare to waste it I've seen the Northern…
Gary Fox's avatar
Matter Of Fate- This song started as a riff I was doing while tuning my guitar. It sounded cool, so I happened to record it on a small dictation recorder I have so I wouldn’t forget it. When I listened to the riff it just screamed Sticky Fingers…
Gary Fox's avatar
This Lovin’ Cup- I was watching the idiot box and just holding my guitar when this little vamp on a B chord came out of nowhere. Using the same recorder, I recorded about 20 seconds of the riff. The lyrical idea came on the trip to Chicago, while…
strummindude's avatar
Lyrics influenced by a conversation with a friend whose daughter was in a really bad way. Kind of set the mood for large parts of the challenge for me this year. New version uploaded 12 Dec 2010.
strummindude's avatar
The Cacaphony of the Kaleidoscopy, and a nod to 70's progressive rock. Brace yourself - this is a long one! Falling Is Never (Lyrics by Aaron Strebs, Music by Jana Persson) Years between life, between panic, a lie between she who would…
strummindude's avatar
A couple of ornate melodies on a string that Will worked really hard to decorate with words. Since the song has basically two different melodic themes, the idea is to portray a relationship from two perspectives. Over You (Words by Will Gough…