Comments on launched's stuff

launched's avatar
A little scratch track from a few months ago. A song about the trials and tribulations of being 11 years old. Watching Six Million Dollar Man, dodging bullies and pretending our bicycles were Harleys. I was at a friends house and saw a little…
K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
K. SCOT SPARKS 79+intercessions said

Thanks for these hip sounds ..and for the info.. (YEAH, man!! 'OUTASITE' lyric, tones, production val.s, attitude) Blessings, senor.

launched's avatar
I couldn't get anything right today so I just mashed through a guitar track and overlayed vocals. But now I kind of like the song so it will have to be redone. So sit back and relax, don't shower or shave and have a beer! Swill A Beer I sit…
K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
K. SCOT SPARKS 79+intercessions said

Thanks for checking that. YOU have got some tasty things, man! How are you recording this stuff?

launched's avatar
I couldn't get anything right today so I just mashed through a guitar track and overlayed vocals. But now I kind of like the song so it will have to be redone. So sit back and relax, don't shower or shave and have a beer! Swill A Beer I sit…
Janus's avatar
Janus said

lots of good energy :)

launched's avatar
I couldn't get anything right today so I just mashed through a guitar track and overlayed vocals. But now I kind of like the song so it will have to be redone. So sit back and relax, don't shower or shave and have a beer! Swill A Beer I sit…
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Such a fun song about mans favorite beverage...hey, I think I need a beer right now.

launched's avatar
I couldn't get anything right today so I just mashed through a guitar track and overlayed vocals. But now I kind of like the song so it will have to be redone. So sit back and relax, don't shower or shave and have a beer! Swill A Beer I sit…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

"The sun comes down again With overbearing certainty" Now man, **sound of beer can being opened** that's poetry. Pure poetry. (You know, if you would just take that filthy sheet down off of your window your friends would be much more likely to drop over for a cool one! But on the other hand, they would have to promise not to ponder over any those questions...)

launched's avatar
I couldn't get anything right today so I just mashed through a guitar track and overlayed vocals. But now I kind of like the song so it will have to be redone. So sit back and relax, don't shower or shave and have a beer! Swill A Beer I sit…
The Jet-Black Project's avatar
The Jet-Black Project said

Cool. Nice laid back vocals. Reminds me of Simon and Garfunkel.

launched's avatar
I couldn't get anything right today so I just mashed through a guitar track and overlayed vocals. But now I kind of like the song so it will have to be redone. So sit back and relax, don't shower or shave and have a beer! Swill A Beer I sit…
Guest said

I love all yer tunes Mark. Very FNG!

launched's avatar
I couldn't get anything right today so I just mashed through a guitar track and overlayed vocals. But now I kind of like the song so it will have to be redone. So sit back and relax, don't shower or shave and have a beer! Swill A Beer I sit…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

:) no beer here boo hoo. Not even a near beer. I haven't had a beer in about a year. but, don't shed a tear, Have no fear...... I'm a wine-o. Bottoms up

launched's avatar
A song about falling asleep on the couch, so there is no mystery to it! But the loose change is in the cushions, lights and tv are on, and the oven has been set to 350 for several hours :) One vocal & acoustic take with a harmony and noodle…
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

sat around at work and jammed on your tunes all day. Like them all my friend!

launched's avatar
I couldn't get anything right today so I just mashed through a guitar track and overlayed vocals. But now I kind of like the song so it will have to be redone. So sit back and relax, don't shower or shave and have a beer! Swill A Beer I sit…
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

I liked it man. I have days like that too.

launched's avatar
I couldn't get anything right today so I just mashed through a guitar track and overlayed vocals. But now I kind of like the song so it will have to be redone. So sit back and relax, don't shower or shave and have a beer! Swill A Beer I sit…
Guest said

lovely spacey feel to this - love your stuff! Dreamy cool vox also.

launched's avatar
I couldn't get anything right today so I just mashed through a guitar track and overlayed vocals. But now I kind of like the song so it will have to be redone. So sit back and relax, don't shower or shave and have a beer! Swill A Beer I sit…
Guest said

Nice,deep and a little heavy

launched's avatar
I couldn't get anything right today so I just mashed through a guitar track and overlayed vocals. But now I kind of like the song so it will have to be redone. So sit back and relax, don't shower or shave and have a beer! Swill A Beer I sit…
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Yeah- I've had those days. Beer always helps!

launched's avatar
I couldn't get anything right today so I just mashed through a guitar track and overlayed vocals. But now I kind of like the song so it will have to be redone. So sit back and relax, don't shower or shave and have a beer! Swill A Beer I sit…
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

Loving it Bro! Puts the COOL in drink related Agrophobia!!! Love this Track Bro!

launched's avatar
I couldn't get anything right today so I just mashed through a guitar track and overlayed vocals. But now I kind of like the song so it will have to be redone. So sit back and relax, don't shower or shave and have a beer! Swill A Beer I sit…
richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

i often find i have days like this,,,, and i also find that a beer,,, seems to smooth it over... at least for awhile,, and then... i carry on,,, each day must be lived in its own special way,, interesting way you put this kind of feeling all together,,, take care,, nice tune,,, Richard

launched's avatar
I couldn't get anything right today so I just mashed through a guitar track and overlayed vocals. But now I kind of like the song so it will have to be redone. So sit back and relax, don't shower or shave and have a beer! Swill A Beer I sit…
Guest said

swirling in the cool swill

launched's avatar
I couldn't get anything right today so I just mashed through a guitar track and overlayed vocals. But now I kind of like the song so it will have to be redone. So sit back and relax, don't shower or shave and have a beer! Swill A Beer I sit…
Guest said

If it won't go naturally just force it, Good one.

launched's avatar
I couldn't get anything right today so I just mashed through a guitar track and overlayed vocals. But now I kind of like the song so it will have to be redone. So sit back and relax, don't shower or shave and have a beer! Swill A Beer I sit…
Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

I like the song, this seems like pretty much what I did today too.

launched's avatar
I recorded this one to a dimming flashlight on the 25th after a windstorm took out my power. I couldn't see the lyrics anymore so I ad libbed and hummed the rest out. My recording device is battery operated, which is cool. This predicament…
da gubbamint's avatar
da gubbamint said


launched's avatar
I love you. And I'm watching you... :) All one take into the Boss MicroBR hole and cleaned up a little. I'm the red headed stepchild of recording... Love You Some people want to know you Wanna put their arms around you Buy you a drink…
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

I put some tape on a computer microphone, and taped it to the guitar by the f-hole for one track. Then i taped it a little farther away for the second.
