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lgh's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by lgh


trifle with two (we know)

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Impossibly simple tune comprising only two-fingered chords, aka the McCartney challenge. Conceived and recorded in an hour between two grueling sessions of hedge-clipping the massive (16ft tall, 35ft long) privet hedge in my backyard. I think there may be psychoactive substances in those green leaves…

launched's avatar
launched said

Just caught this bro - Wow, wicked and full saturation! And I love the vox, always thought you had a great voice.

Mischief Of Dean's avatar
Mischief Of Dean said

Sounds great! c:

Guest said

Really nice sound, vocal is cool.

lgh's avatar
lgh said

This is exceptionly Good! Straight to my mp3 player with this dandy. More please... LG

Guest said

Yes yes! Looking forward to it! Tess (Sister Savage)

cuthbert's avatar
cuthbert said

Thanks everybody! This was a fun little song to do, and I'm very pleased with the reception it's received so far. @Sister Savage: Thanks - I think I just may turn this into a 'proper' song. Hopefully, I can keep the immediacy!

thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

i think that's Hedge Tripping Willie

Guest said

Sounds like a real "trip" round the hedge

oldrottenhead's avatar
oldrottenhead said

yeah baby keep em coming

Guest said

I heart those chords and the dreamy tone of the guitar. Lovely vocals also. Are you going to develop this further? Great feel! Too short!!

facemask93's avatar
facemask93 said

A playfully trippy little ditty , I like it Cuth
