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This song is a meditation on the concept of freedom.

Dweeb's avatar
Dweeb said

Very nice Neil Young-style tune.

minus the hat's avatar
minus the hat said

Here come those Crazy Horses!

Guest said

Very cool! Love how you're mixing it up on this album!

Al's left hand's avatar
Al's left hand said

The fact that the song starts out with just vocals and guitar is a remnant of the narrative that I originally planned for the album and was mostly dropped. I actually recorded a bass part covering just the second half of the song -- it worked well in the second-to-last verse but I couldn't come up with a part that didn't totally mess up the last verse/solo-coda section so I canned it. I never even thought about drums. They might work... because I wrote this song on dulcimer and play it on acoustic all the time, I never really think of it as a full-out rocker personally.

Endicott Road's avatar
Endicott Road said

Like this one, too. You need bass and drums to go with this to make it really take off IMHO. But free advice is worth exactly what you pay for it! Nice song. ER
