Mike Denison (Lumberfork)'s listening history

Mike Denison (Lumberfork)'s avatar
Leonard Cohen cover.
Mike Denison (Lumberfork)'s avatar
Leonard Cohen cover.
Mike Denison (Lumberfork)'s avatar
It's just a song about stalking a jane doe.
Mike Denison (Lumberfork)'s avatar
Leonard Cohen cover.
kirklynch's avatar
Straight ahead stone city electric blues for an old friend who used to spend hours spinning BB King and Mike Bloomfield records for me. Recorded back sometime at the end of 2006 on old analog equipment
kirklynch's avatar
Another one from back when I was tracking to actual tape. Was going to do a new version at some point, but decided I had lost interest. Sometimes there's no sense in recreating the past! Recorded probably the beginning of 2007
kirklynch's avatar
Just a day with the looper back in 2007
kirklynch's avatar
One of the first electric jam things I did after getting back into recording about the end of 2006
kirklynch's avatar
the first multi track piece that I actually finished "in the box" in Cubase. An ambient kinda thing that grew out of playing around with the Line 6 DL4. Not sure I like the bow parts, but I may re do it later
kirklynch's avatar
A moody solo acoustic thing that I came up with playing in a long forgotten tuning. Just got a new Zoom H4N, so this was recorded in my shop sitting at my reedmaking bench may 12 2009