Magic Bullet

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An alternate take on John Cage's assertion that there is no such thing as silence, his 4'33'' allowing the listener to hear all around them in pin-drop detail; ours, on the other hand, prohibits the listener from hearing anything else, using combinations…
Magic Bullet's avatar
Amongst other things, we're keen members of the EFSPACM group (Ensemble For Sound Poetry And Contemporary Music) coz it gives us the chance to indulge our artier tendencies. However, when they said they wanted to do a group album for the RPM Challenge…
Magic Bullet's avatar
This will be our 12th and final piece for the RPM Challenge's Record Every Month thing, that's our year done, so we thought it was party time! We've taken cuts from all the 11 previous tracks, plus the special piece Elling Lien recorded for our…
Magic Bullet's avatar
New Years Day, for most folk, follows a week of unbridled excess; the large 'special' celebratory meals, all that rich food, all those sweet extras, and possibly even a drink or two (no, really)! We figured that after all of that, the ONLY thing…
Magic Bullet's avatar
This was originally on the Charlie Dog Records compilation, "False Noise", released on Bandcamp in July 2021, our angle on the album theme being that it's a short piece composed at frequencies which are beyond the hearing range of most humans…

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Magic Bullet's avatar
This was originally on the Charlie Dog Records compilation, "False Noise", released on Bandcamp in July 2021, our angle on the album theme being that it's a short piece composed at frequencies which are beyond the hearing range of most humans…

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Magic Bullet's avatar
UnCaged: 33'4'' - it's a piece we've recently recorded for the French label, Camembert Électrique, to be released on a compilation called "Silence" in early December. It was John Cage whose 4'33'' cleverly demonstrated the near impossibility of…
AMUC's avatar
AMUC said

I'm curious what would happen if you slowed this down with Paulstretch..

Magic Bullet's avatar
An experimental musician friend in Canada told us about the RPM Challenge, it struck immediately as a noble and inspirational idea; simply to make music (or elsewhere) for the sake of making music (or elsewhere), and to be one of many doing the…
Guest said

Love this!

Magic Bullet's avatar

Magic Bullet are an electro-experimental music project born from the ashes of 80’s/90’s underground bands, Magic Moments At Twilight Time and Ehrlich Bullet. Magic Bullet are counterparts from parallel realities / twins who tell lies / something altogether much stranger. Magic Bullet think, therefore we are, and we, as reality unfurls, just wanna have fun. We are very friendly and do not bite fingers. Well, not so much. Do feel free to check us out further at…

from Knott End-On-Sea, GB

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16 tracks