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= uncertainty (rough)

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*totally rough

absolutely no clue what to do with this. i figured if i released it, maybe it would garner some good ideas of how to continue the song and also just force me to have it on my mind in an attempt to motivate me to finish it.

Guest said

Heavy, head-bobbin' groovy-trippy bliss.

quill's avatar
quill said

No suggestions. Because - I find the "roughness" of it (your word, not mine) artful and exciting. The sounds are great - here, in "dine inside my mind", and in "star" - the guitar sounds in particular catch my ear; something in the way you balance them against the very delicate vocals ... it really works on me. I just love your music.

launched's avatar
launched said

I think this sounds great as it is, too. But you are the boss!

Max Sipowicz's avatar
Max Sipowicz said

really awesome track. thoroughly enjoyed the vocal part.

c}{imps 8 my ears's avatar
c}{imps 8 my ears said

nice pop song! your vocals are unique. and well recorded. i would turn the gain up on those tinkly bell sounds.

c}{imps 8 my ears's avatar
c}{imps 8 my ears said

hey there ghost, We use Audacity, the free editor. we self sample, room sample, and spend a lot of time experimenting. Sounds like you do similar methods, with radically different results. evidence that our music really do say things about ourselves. Your stuff is still experimental yet has more listenability, (it's better technically) in fact it's really good.

Guest said

whoa apprently something happened here...mono re-uploading...

Guest said

I kind of like it as it is. It's breezy and laid back.

Goblin mA.I.sta's avatar
Goblin mA.I.sta said

This is new. I'm guessing the vocals is your recording? Seems very interesting. I don't know what else you should add really. I can kind of tell you were trying to avoid a melodic experience so... maybe add some guitar licks that kind of hits the end notes to finish it all off on later vocalization. For randomness and uniqueness.

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

It is sounding good so far mate very cool.
