Comments on mmi's stuff

mmi's avatar
Sitting in the Denver airport; watching people walk on by...
Guest said

Just brilliant!

mmi's avatar
Major noodles. Notes to self: Sonically, this is challenged. Try feeding the midi to a completely different synth patches.
Guest said

Damn, now I want noodles.

mmi's avatar
Major noodles. Notes to self: Sonically, this is challenged. Try feeding the midi to a completely different synth patches.
Guest said

Major noodles with major flavour! Gorgeous!

mmi's avatar
Just under the wire (it's Feb 28, 23:47 in my timezone)... last track for RPM09
Guest said

Love the way this builds up around 3 mins, and then descends back in to reflection.

mmi's avatar
An experiment that became a meditation. Two tracks. One guitar, one looper, one e-bow, two tracks and a touch of Live's Overdrive effect on the second e-bow track. The starting premise was could I get the sound of many guitars by continually…
Guest said

Jangly goodness! Like gypsy e-miners.

mmi's avatar
Saw an add on TV for something called "Drag Me To Hell". Dunno what it is with horror films, but apparently scary music is on my mind. Thanks for helping exorcise it. The guitar part, btw, is e-bow plus slide so any tonality is an accident.
Guest said

Could've been the soundtrack to the nightmare I had last night - I don't usually have them and this music immediately brought it all back! And judging by the title, this is a REALLY effective track! Very clever.

mmi's avatar
I tried to make something a little less dark than my recent output.
glu's avatar
glu said

what are YOU doing up this hour? doing some kind of a happy dance I imagine? ;-)

mmi's avatar
This has been something that has been struggling to get out for a while. I finally feel comfortable enough playing it to have pressed record... Boring technical details: DADGAD tuning two improvised tracks, GT-10 Studio Acoustic Guitar preset…
Guest said

nice song G -Andrew

mmi's avatar
I tried to make something a little less dark than my recent output.
Guest said

*Does a happy chair dance*

mmi's avatar
I tried to make something a little less dark than my recent output.
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Very nice! Optimistic , but no too much so if ya know what I mean!!

mmi's avatar
I tried to make something a little less dark than my recent output.
glu's avatar
glu said

i mean light.. as in happy and slightly melancholy. I'm serious about those evolving layers of sound... awesome.

mmi's avatar
I tried to make something a little less dark than my recent output.
glu's avatar
glu said

it dances between light and slightly melancholy thanks to the interesting progression. Moving textures ftw!

mmi's avatar
Friday evening. No plans. Life is good. No major trickery to describe. Just three tracks and a whole lotta reverb.
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Hey- Thanks for the mention in your blog- very nice of you. Doug turned me on to it

mmi's avatar
Friday evening. No plans. Life is good. No major trickery to describe. Just three tracks and a whole lotta reverb.
glu's avatar
glu said

You all should check out MMI's music blog. My favorite quote from the last entry (regarding alonetone): "There is an ocean of music and I'm just peeing into it, enjoying the temporary warmth that affords."

mmi's avatar
Friday evening. No plans. Life is good. No major trickery to describe. Just three tracks and a whole lotta reverb.
dougsparling's avatar
dougsparling said

Beautiful piece, outstanding sounds and such musical, melodic guitar playing, just the way I like it...and I think you play closer to my influences than I do :)

mmi's avatar
Friday evening. No plans. Life is good. No major trickery to describe. Just three tracks and a whole lotta reverb.
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Sounds like it was a relaxing evening. Lovely crystal clean guitar sounds

mmi's avatar
My homage to Brian Eno.
kavin.'s avatar
kavin. said

Bravo Eno!

mmi's avatar
This track started off with an idea. The idea was an instrument setup such that I could play a single note, or octave and have arps and stuff built it up... I failed in that experiment by getting carried down the add more effects road and before…
kavin.'s avatar
kavin. said

Yes! More ebow!

mmi's avatar
My homage to Brian Eno.
Gilbert Neilson's avatar
Gilbert Neilson said

Very nice indeed!

mmi's avatar
Sitting in the Denver airport; watching people walk on by...
tim mcfate's avatar
tim mcfate said

very clever
