Movement To Contact's listening history

jip's avatar
In splendid honour of her majesty queen elizabeth 2nd, celebrating 60 years of being the queen of england and the commonwealth nations. God bless ya maam.
Cave Street's avatar
Inspired by a line in one of the many books I read while laid up with a recent back injury. Song of The Raven Queen -- As The Fool set sail in an old milk pail To fetch the Moon's reflection The Mountains stood as of course they should…
kavin.'s avatar
A mando improv for Pete Cosey, who left this week. For the improvFriday "blues" theme.
kavin.'s avatar
A mando improv for Doc Watson, who left this week. For the improvFriday event "blues" theme.
Greg Connor's avatar
I Can't Seem To Find My Way Home Featuring Norm on Percussion Track: "Pilón For A New Son" Lyrics: Searching for something I wonder and roam Hoping the truth Soon will be shown…
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Me and Dave Recorded this to test the levels in the Church when we did some songs in tribute of my Son Ethan the other day. We Normally record a throw away track before recording something for real. Improvised, so it gets you in the spirit…
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
For Someone extremely special. And for those that it might help. Thanks to Dave Purssord for Playing Lead for me. Thanks to St Mary’s for allowing me to record this live in the Church. And Thanks to all you all here. Peace T Some Say…
Greg Connor's avatar
I Can't Seem To Find My Way Home Featuring Norm on Percussion Track: "Pilón For A New Son" Lyrics: Searching for something I wonder and roam Hoping the truth Soon will be shown…
fuzzfilth's avatar
vaisvil's avatar
We got together to ruin "No Time" by The Guess Who I doubt I have to say who did what... :-) But I will Stunning vocals by Reg Awesome Percussion by Norm and his son I an responsible for acoustic guitar and 5 string bass