Movement To Contact's listening history

thetworegs's avatar
Reg heard this collab (Quarter of a 60th Djörk (M.T.C.) and thought it brilliant, the music made it so easy to put the words to, a story of holiday romance.......with a bit of Tom Jonesing going on..........Thanks Djork and M.T.C for letting…
thetworegs's avatar
Got the rusty £16 guitar out for this one a Sunday doodle in the rain..........
Cave Street's avatar
An as yet unused demo from RPM 2012... This was the last song I wrote in Feb 2012 & feel like it is a companion piece to the opening song, "You, Miles Away" -- a perfect little bookend, actually. Where the Path Leaves the Road -- I…
thetworegs's avatar
I've got the cellar choir together for this interpretation of this Doors Classic......
JESMIAUS 's avatar
Backing track for you to download and add your own leads and vocals n stuff
Tipu's avatar
out of mundane stuff.
Tipu's avatar
I've been really into soundtracks for the past few days, especially those for action games and the notion of having a static, subtle track run over unpredictable game actions and still making the whole thing work. So this was made with that…
JESMIAUS 's avatar
Backing track for you to download and add your own leads and vocals n stuff
vaisvil's avatar
acoustic 6 string steel
Tipu's avatar
Wish I could get someone to sing over this.