Nachei's listening history

unadjustedeye's avatar
Colin Garvey's avatar
Originally on my [24-hour album]( back in 2008, I've added an invisible rhythm section and remixed it. I may do this with a few more old tracks I didn't quite get right first time round.
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
This one is called "Chance"... One Guitar and one Vox... Chance W/M Tharek Mokbul Lyrics Throw another log on the fire. Let it Burn for one more day.. Take another chance on this Dice. Throw it until luck comes our way. Promise…
someonelikeTIM's avatar
Testing out Nuendo 4 + SSL Waves Plugins.
hotmeatballs's avatar
Mud Octave's avatar
ok this one is about reincarnation and eternity and how at this moment i have already existed in the future so many times if i've become part of god and stuff like that....
hotchk155's avatar
horizontal lines, blue and yellow, dance at the periphery of my vision... now slowly converging, consuming all, until just a singularity remains. then nothing. a fog, where shapes have no meaning and clouds consume bodies starting with the…
brando's avatar
Kevin Bud Jones's avatar
Michael Marquesen suggested that he was going to add manipulated vocals to whatever I sent him - so I left the melody pretty open but attempted to create a full range bed with percussive elements for him to wok with. Not having drums at my disposable…
Cave Street's avatar
Improvised/recorded on 11-12-11 in Alpharetta GA, mixed/edited on 11-13-11 in Summertown, TN.