Nachei's listening history

Al's left hand's avatar
Al : Piano, Harmonica, Vox Jess : Tambourine, Vox
Vitamin M's avatar
dougsparling's avatar
A song written for my dear old friend, Kirk Lynch, who I've known for almost 20 years. For those who don't know, Kirk and I live less than an hour apart, but I swear it's been five years since we've seen each other in person, which just ain't…
Graduate's avatar
Easily my favourite track on the album. This was a real forced number at the start of it's life; I was well behind my song quota (5 finished on the 23rd... time to worry) and I needed to knock something out at least. Something clicked about an…
Jason Earls's avatar
I watched a few episodes of Metalocalypse and Dethklok inspired me to make this jam. I don't think it turned out "metal" enough though. The harmonized sweep arpeggios were the hardest to play. Hope you like it.
Lee Rosevere's avatar
From Music for MOBA: a collection of pieces inspired by paintings from The Museum of Bad Art.
Azote Bezerro's avatar
The Wetband's avatar
K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
If I'm not mistaken, 'Resurgam' is Latin for I will rise again. (Incidentally, it is also the title of a very compelling piece of music by the British brass band composer Eric Ball.) I dedicate this too to Dr. David Ingram, the truly wonderful…
The High Fidelics's avatar
This song was written by Edwin Cleverdon, guitarist for The High Fidelics.