Nachei's listening history
Looks like a great year for more fishing /guitar playing /beer drinking /.Cheers
A song about deadlines, the lyrics and melody were written during a free half an hour, hence the topic.
This was supposed to have a clip from the movie Highlander at the beginning but I can't get to it right now. Picture Connor and Castigere…
My 2015 Christmas single. Possibly a bit over-ambitious, this one. Got a bit silly.
Written by Chris Butler
All instruments/voices: Rog Hildreth
From Music for MOBA: a collection of pieces inspired by paintings from The Museum of Bad Art.
When four years old and hanging w/ Daddy in 'Studio Garage,' my son Isaiah (now eleven) spontaneously composed this.
Thanks for smiling with me.
a guitar tone i built on ux2 and found some dire straights style chords i thought went well with tone.