Nachei's listening history

fabiokeiner's avatar
ambient improvisings
vaisvil's avatar
poem by Robert Graves
Robert James's avatar
Another song with lyrics that I have no recollection of writing. What the hell is it about? I had six songs recorded and mixed before I realized I didn't have a single time signature other than 4/4. I remedied that right quick. This is…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
OKIE DOKIE Well, you call me an Okie. That's okay with me Okie dokie, I'm an Okie I was born in Oklahoma. Out where the dirt is red Hang out them brand new bed sheets They'll be pink when you put 'em on your bed Yes, I was raised in Oklahoma…
mobody's avatar
Instrumental, electronic dance / club music
The Company Line's avatar
I wrote this for my band, but for now this is the acoustic demo with just me. I recorded the guitar part twice, and then sang one take on the vox on top. It is raw, but certainly functional as a demo.
Surviving Myself's avatar
Mud Octave's avatar
no one loves me. or the earth. whatever you wanna see it as. Big drum machine use is crucial to hitting the above the toilet line in music.
Imbecilicus Rex's avatar
Mind-bending #breakbeat because why not?
Remains's avatar
The Art Of Scaring Small Children Track 1