some surge XT experiments --- enjoy
I am using surge as a stand alone app and feeding it random notes from a max 9 MSP patch --- the sounds are me actively changing parameters --
spectrum analysis
it is Aeolian not aeplian seems I did not notice that late last nite this morning... but this is 11 tracks 5 midi tracks 5 audio tracks both slowed down and then Chris is the 11th track with the aeolian harp sounds thru the whole 7hr song this…
something made in thumbjam -0- I had deleted all the saved songs from my thumbjam memory and reinstalled thumbjam 000 it was occupying about 15 gigs of space for the music I had already downloaded 000 this is a fresh start ,.. I may have to reinstall…
I like the development in this. Nice work - you always pull out the unexpected from the synths you work with regardless of the format. I would not have guessed this to be Animoog!
soaring and raw. something heavy gliding through the air, a pulsing, undulating and morphing strange beast...then it seems to touch down, hopping over the hills.
All matter is alive... in away.,,. Things, everything, everywhere is alive everywhere,... even photons make decisions, how do they do that? the molecules in my body but the molecules everywhere it is all alive,.. life is everywhere life is a living…
very much in the structure of cells dividing, multiplying...vibrant resonance, also spreading...shifting while also staying the a map of wild territory, you never quite know where you are except in the experience
taking one song and using the audio frequency to modulate the frequencies of another song. then I play both songs mixed or mashed together then I go back and play the frequency modulations and the songs all together .,, totally mixed like that,..
taking one song and using the audio frequency to modulate the frequencies of another song. then I play both songs mixed or mashed together then I go back and play the frequency modulations and the songs all together .,, totally mixed like that,..
Now and perpendicular to now, where shadows are, as we will create the next song of music and make sounds together in the now but also in the perpendicular to now for the theme at sound in. of course any music on theme or not is ok. At right angles…
just more in the mix here with the last three to four minutes IMO taking away from the music, I can delete that if you think so? we are just continuing down the tape I made in 2006 one of many, hundreds actually and I can not keep them straight,,
I just reloaded my registers in my mind and shut my eyes as well but now I am ready for round two today. The obsession to create is at a max as my Main computer system just got out of the shop it was in for a month just yesterday and I have a pretty terabyte of blank space for project work.
thanks Nebulonic It was totally reworked to fit like this in balanced form and "IF" you were to download it for the mix with yours that would be just fine.. :) or I could go back to the source files and email them to you?
just more in the mix here with the last three to four minutes IMO taking away from the music, I can delete that if you think so? we are just continuing down the tape I made in 2006 one of many, hundreds actually and I can not keep them straight,,
The dimensional effects are so close to real that we know what it makes the theoretical mathematicians think but as to how that is done, we are still designing the nexonic links. bands that would be neither here nor there for the time being.
Comments on Newbold's stuff
oh this is quite cool!
my gosh there is so much going on here!
Nice!! .. Heavy !!
Cool ... Like this !!
love the metallic sounds you get at times out of this!
this is cool! I like the mix of classical and electronic here!
What are you doing to this place man?
This is great!
Another great piece!
I like the development in this. Nice work - you always pull out the unexpected from the synths you work with regardless of the format. I would not have guessed this to be Animoog!
soaring and raw. something heavy gliding through the air, a pulsing, undulating and morphing strange beast...then it seems to touch down, hopping over the hills.
very much in the structure of cells dividing, multiplying...vibrant resonance, also spreading...shifting while also staying the a map of wild territory, you never quite know where you are except in the experience
I like that it is a kind of fly buzzing ... LOL just on and on with the fly that won't die :) cool
Anybody got any fly spray?
Evocative stuff.
i have a lot of boogers today
yes that is what I am using here to record my supernova II .. the midi and audio --
Comments made by Newbold
pleasant in that there are memories at work here.
I just reloaded my registers in my mind and shut my eyes as well but now I am ready for round two today. The obsession to create is at a max as my Main computer system just got out of the shop it was in for a month just yesterday and I have a pretty terabyte of blank space for project work.
thanks Nebulonic It was totally reworked to fit like this in balanced form and "IF" you were to download it for the mix with yours that would be just fine.. :) or I could go back to the source files and email them to you?
pretty :)
ahhh alive and kicking the dripping sky out of mindlessness...
this is that edgewise side of reality we know is just around the next corner but can never quite see :)
The dimensional effects are so close to real that we know what it makes the theoretical mathematicians think but as to how that is done, we are still designing the nexonic links. bands that would be neither here nor there for the time being.