I am thinking that this site can have a better networked comment situation where you would know I got your comment Kavin and that I am commenting on it and yeah I would know that you commented :)
thanks for the comment and I just got the animoog OMG intense really really intense :)) I have just anough inputs to have the org xl mini the motif rack and the supernova II that I can mix them all just the animoog is not connected via midi so there is that ... distance to it when I make those sound constructions ... I am doing now.. :) this pice is directly just animoog ...
When I am to scratch the seems of realities yet found into it where nothing is there inside or out. So much critically wrong as a degree of mostly wrong but not more then the possible right workings. Join the tangent on the feedback but I need…
again more from today...
this is like embarrassing because this is so weird/strange and unique that I was that embarrassed to post this anywhere so yeah there is no way describe this ... it is the middle of a kinda mellow song.. and is the anti…
again more from today...
this is like embarrassing because this is so weird/strange and unique that I was that embarrassed to post this anywhere so yeah there is no way describe this ... it is the middle of a kinda mellow song.. and is the anti…
@Merry Bear.. the whole thing is here..
there I upload like total works in raw source file form.. if you want to download the whole thing.. thanks for the comment. :)
This would be a cool sound track for a '60s B-rated Sci-Fi movie about invading 50' tall green Robotic Amazon Martian (RAM) women with ray guns. But really, I'm digging this. I'm at the 6 minute mark and going all the way. Stay groovy!
this is all James Bailey’s work and again I just added the delayed stereo effects with the bent time lines left and right.. no big thing but I am liking this just as much as the original.. next comes the effects :) while the movie renders..
this is all James Bailey’s work and again I just added the delayed stereo effects with the bent time lines left and right.. no big thing but I am liking this just as much as the original.. next comes the effects :) while the movie renders..
something developed during the reprogramming of the a012 performance program... just a loop thur arp settings and such... that works. it seems that the programming... reprogramming was in full force after minute three I will attempt a mix down…
Lot of interesting stuff happening here. It's all strung together nicely. You got out of the box, lit a match, then leaped off several yards away -- the box be damned!
these are the end tones and then it is the end of the record but you can hear the synth being shut down with the electrical pops and such.. I swear no more ends beyond end 2..
remembers back in 1993? when I saw kurt do this.. don't make me repeat the tale about how I was one person away from him in the mosh pit, and he spit on me. LOL - I had to of talked about that someplace on the net..
thanks sister and Chris
@vaisvil I have them connected right now just they only work like that when they are interfaced with a midi program on the computer, otherwise they ignore one another. ?
this is a minor excerpt from a tape I made I am guessing that I had not uploaded this here yet but I could of at the other eee account that is now outdated. the longer full and remixed version will be uploaded soon.
this is a minor excerpt from a tape I made I am guessing that I had not uploaded this here yet but I could of at the other eee account that is now outdated. the longer full and remixed version will be uploaded soon.
ahhhhh I hear that now will fix that even though it is a single channel out .. I had mixed the channels and this was the right side selection post mix.
Here's a "live" thing, if it can be called that, if one performs in a public place and there's no audience, can you call it "live"...?
If you'd like to hear the rest of the set, go here:
consider this a microcosm of the final work that might just happen ,, yes a complete Klingon Orchestrated Opera :) (feeling shameful that it was Chris's idea first.) (this is a mire raw example of an outproduced work.>
long ago when there was a "guitar electric" in my presence I recorded this and edited it in cubase, back when I used cubase, old and somehow interesting?
I have that problem from time to time the wave form is there it just does not work ,,, a few days ago it happened to a whole song of mine really upset me because I liked the sounds I had made..
Artist's description:
Music composed by Chris Vaisvil, Mike Barry, lyrics Chris Vaisvil. This was performed live and recorded on a reel to reel in a basement. Its over 20 minutes at 64kbps. Two electric guitars, keyboards, and drums. Our contribution…
long ago when there was a "guitar electric" in my presence I recorded this and edited it in cubase, back when I used cubase, old and somehow interesting?
This an improvisation in 17 notes per octave with layered software synthesizers. Specifically, various percussion ensembles, french horn, piano, and two synthesizers. At one point I forgot what in the world I was doing because I transposed the…
has the idea of a triad or circle of 9's possible here at 17 note octaves? (sorry about the difficult question but I don't have the direct control of 17 notes in equal temper right now.)
This an improvisation in 17 notes per octave with layered software synthesizers. Specifically, various percussion ensembles, french horn, piano, and two synthesizers. At one point I forgot what in the world I was doing because I transposed the…
are you mixing microtonal and macrotonals together? seems as if certain layers are tonal. like you are saying it might be better if the alien effects are continued.
here the microkorg is the "lead" while the supernova II does the "undertones" I am trying to sync the two in post producion ,,, some of the stuff from yesterday is sync but I used buzz modular synthesis to do that.
As she leaped into the crater and then falling for what took forever she ended in full possession of a controlled psychosis and she was rapidly loosing any kind of control to the silver pearls in a perilous discombobulated series of metapsionic…
tell me about the game or a link or something this is an image of the current game I am at now..
Comments on Newbold's stuff
lots of feed back and stuff :)
this is too intense but hey somebody has to make this stuff right... I made this on cinco de mayo :) hahahahahahah
I am thinking that this site can have a better networked comment situation where you would know I got your comment Kavin and that I am commenting on it and yeah I would know that you commented :) thanks for the comment and I just got the animoog OMG intense really really intense :)) I have just anough inputs to have the org xl mini the motif rack and the supernova II that I can mix them all just the animoog is not connected via midi so there is that ... distance to it when I make those sound constructions ... I am doing now.. :) this pice is directly just animoog ...
Yep it is. I love animoog.
Thank you for saying this,..typing •
thanks for the fav Hand--- :)
I don't even know how to describe this but it is so so awesome. Really enjoying it!
Vivid sound scape. I'm having flashbacks, I need a beer.
Interesting -- painting imagery with sounds. Abstract and sur-real, with textured strokes, dark tones, and bitter-sweet flavors. A fuzzy feel. Groovy!
i like the start and the melody. i like your style .
@Merry Bear.. the whole thing is here.. https://archive.org/details/OuterBeyondsOneAlphaN there I upload like total works in raw source file form.. if you want to download the whole thing.. thanks for the comment. :)
This would be a cool sound track for a '60s B-rated Sci-Fi movie about invading 50' tall green Robotic Amazon Martian (RAM) women with ray guns. But really, I'm digging this. I'm at the 6 minute mark and going all the way. Stay groovy!
Cool! Made me smile. Sounds like a pile of Muppets waking up in the morning.
Bill like your graphic on this. Mixes are quite creative, you really paint tonality each week.
Lot of interesting stuff happening here. It's all strung together nicely. You got out of the box, lit a match, then leaped off several yards away -- the box be damned!
I like it.
Interesting experiment.
I always like waking to birds and rain outside my window -- it's what I call a good morning.
Some parts are Frippish in nature.Not sure how you are doing this. Intriguing.
Comments made by Newbold
remembers back in 1993? when I saw kurt do this.. don't make me repeat the tale about how I was one person away from him in the mosh pit, and he spit on me. LOL - I had to of talked about that someplace on the net..
sure!! I would love to hear what you can do with this. :)
thanks sister and Chris @vaisvil I have them connected right now just they only work like that when they are interfaced with a midi program on the computer, otherwise they ignore one another. ?
it is like playing to random computer musical notes. very well done.
centered :)
ahhhhh I hear that now will fix that even though it is a single channel out .. I had mixed the channels and this was the right side selection post mix.
This is slick duck stuff on that side of the cosmic static charges.
pretty very what it is. more what is that screeching?(love-it)more more screeching.
neat sweet something here just so effected it is bliss. sigh => more?
this leaves glitch itching ,,
gets pen ready to outline the opera's conceptual structures in skeleton form. yes pen is better then computer keyboard sometimes ,, don't know why.
As an experienced user I can find no other way to describe these mysteries. *channels more power through the broken lights to you*
soo sooooo cool:; this stuff is like very very real at times.
I have that problem from time to time the wave form is there it just does not work ,,, a few days ago it happened to a whole song of mine really upset me because I liked the sounds I had made..
reminds me of a mixture of such a variety of songs.
It is good to get this out to the web finally :)
has the idea of a triad or circle of 9's possible here at 17 note octaves? (sorry about the difficult question but I don't have the direct control of 17 notes in equal temper right now.)
are you mixing microtonal and macrotonals together? seems as if certain layers are tonal. like you are saying it might be better if the alien effects are continued.
here the microkorg is the "lead" while the supernova II does the "undertones" I am trying to sync the two in post producion ,,, some of the stuff from yesterday is sync but I used buzz modular synthesis to do that.
tell me about the game or a link or something this is an image of the current game I am at now.. http://i693.photobucket.com/albums/vv295/h92o/configure%202/PIC_1757.jpg