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Nick Plagakis's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Nick P


Boho and Blazey

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I struggled to get this thing completed. I’ve been sat on it for weeks, finished, debating whether I was really prepared to let it go.

I loved the song when I wrote it, inspired by a wonderful week at the end of September. But the recording hasn’t come out quite like I planned… I dunno, I wanted more joyous, or something.

It’s about… well… it’s about what ever you want it to be about…

But I’m singing to someone called Florence - she was pretty bluddy amazing every night I watched her at Ally Pally.

Edit: And amongst describing the general angst over whether to post this song or not… I managed to delete (and not notice I’d deleted) the bit that said:

“and much thanks to the fabulous Lala for describing one of Mac’s guitars as ‘Boho and Blazey’ on twitter - giving me names for these two young folks who were standing beneath the falling stars”

Boho and Blazey - A A J Russe

Boho and Blazey
Wait beneath the falling stars
They long to touch the glitter on your hand
They wait so patiently
That when you finally come to see
It’s almost more than either one can stand

Boho has a garland in her hair
That she hopes will be the very one
That you decide to wear
And Blazey she has written out
Some things that she’s afraid to shout
Some things to show you just how much she cares

Tonight you find out how far you’ve come
Tonight you find you’re not the only one
You sing
You cry
You jump so high
You lift us up
So we can fly
Tonight we are all happy and crazy
Like Boho and Blazey

Boho has such trouble
With a world that bursts her bubble
And Blazey’s left her homework on the train
And no-one ever wants to know
How troubles come but never go
It’s only you who seems to share the pain

Even though they’re thirsty
They don’t stop to get a drink
In the rush to get a place upon the rail
In the hours that they have left to wait
It’s only you they contemplate
It’s never crossed their minds that you might fail

Tonight we find out how far you’ve come
Tonight we find we’re not the only ones
We sing
We cry
We jump so high
We raise you up
And then you fly
Tonight we are all happy and crazy
Like Boho and Blazey

Copyright (C) 2015 A A J Russe. All Rights Reserved.

Guest said

Nice to see you're still recording. It was sad when you disappeared off twitter. Ally's brother.

Orphans's avatar
Orphans said

Life on Mars - like

Orphans's avatar
Orphans said

Lyrics, melody....well crafted mate

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

"And Blazey’s left her homework on the trainEven though they’re thirsty They don’t stop to get a drink..." forever lines...

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

It's like you are channeling Bowie from a slightly different planet.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

I have had similar response to Bjork and Kate Bush lately...

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

I love the chord move you do at the end of line three in the verse. The lyric grabs me from, That she hopes will be the very one That you decide to wear." Because of you voice you use and the sounds it says the object of their desire/affections is David Bowie.My favorite line, among many is, And Blazey’s left her homework on the train." And, It’s never crossed their minds that you might fail."

Gary Fox's avatar
Gary Fox said

Still love this tune...

The Proods's avatar
The Proods said

great vocals....amazing pipes you've got there!

doktordoktor's avatar
doktordoktor said

Excellent song. Well written and performed Andrew. Reminiscent of early Bowie for me, but unique and stylish in it's own right.

H R Music's avatar
H R Music said

It's great the way you play different styles. Keep on rocking.

Gary Fox's avatar
Gary Fox said

Brilliant. Love the atmosphere...

Jefferson Cole's avatar
Jefferson Cole said

wow, wonderful ! This is really smooth and soulful. It has a bit of a Kinks vibe.

slkrell's avatar
slkrell said

Andrew never disappionts , good stuff

Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

Now I know what it's's a whole less tragic and a million times more amazing that people like you exist.

Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

Very nicely done - air of tragedy as jip mentioned prevents me from loving it but unmistakable mastery. Fabulous title. You're welcome.

thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Another beauty from the Mr Russe songbook the E Bow!!

jip's avatar
jip said

I like it. It leaves an unmistakable impression, well constructed.An air of tragedy about the story rather than joy - but, sometimes songs write themselves. Good work/play. Thanks for sharing.

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

*Another Masterpiece Andrew!* Very unique and interesting.

Nick P's avatar
Nick P said

I think it works... sounds great! As usual, the vocal is stellar.

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Wonderful story telling. Another great song! Thanks for posting this one even if it battled you!!

stoman's avatar
stoman said

Great songwriting, as usual! The mix needs some EQ, it's a little "thick", and the drums don't quite suit the song IMO. But nonetheless, great job!
