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Nightmoth's favorite tracks

by Nightmoth



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Thanks Merry Bear for cleaning this up for me!

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Just listened for the first time. Delicious and moody... Will be back to listen to more. Good tune.

Jefferson Cole's avatar
Jefferson Cole said

wonderful layering. The build is hauntingly beautiful. I could see this on a soundtrack of a HBO series.

launched's avatar
launched said

There's some harmonic thing going on in the background that is so delicious I'm on my second listen because of it. A great tune, love that panned electric picking, so sweet. Wicked vocals, must have listened to this five times by now, way too short!

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Woo! This is a bit good.

Merry Bear's avatar
Merry Bear said

A beautiful, gorgeous song, with a tasty, powerful bass, a cool strumming technique, great vocal delivery, intriguing lyrics, and sweet picking. Far out job, Man -- Rock on!
