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by Nightmoth


They Don't Matter To Me

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Update: Gene offered to improve the Mix on this song! This is that improved version. Thanks so much Gene! You are awesome!!!

I wrote this song earlier this summer, and had played it a few times with Greg Connor, fellow alone toner, and several of our other songwriting friends. We were all together on Thursday night at an informal open mic night. Greg was kind enough to record this for me with his cool little Tascam gadget, play guitar, and sing backup. Also playing are Colin W (Bass, backup vocals), Scott Z (mandolin), and Melissa M (backup vocals).

We had a lot of fun, and I hope you like it. The lyrics are below:

They Don’t Matter to Me
© 2014 Colleen Dillon

There’s a lot of fools who want to tell me
How to live
Or what to do
Or how to feel

But I don’t need them cuz I know me
Yeah, I know me… and you know…

They don’t matter to me
They don’t matter to me
They don’t matter to me

Some fools don’t know jack
Some fools need to get off my back
Some fools should get no slack
They don’t matter to me
They don’t matter to me

Some fools have no class
Some fools are snakes in the grass
Some fools can kiss my ass
They don’t matter to me
They don’t matter to me

No they don’t matter to me
They don’t matter to me
They don’t matter to me
They don’t matter to me

Some fools try to push me down
Some fools want to see me drown
Some fools need to make me frown
They don’t matter to me
They don’t matter to me

Old fools don’t control my life
Old fools cut my soul like a knife
I’m not some old fools wife
They don’t matter to me
They don’t matter to me

No they don’t matter to me
They don’t matter to me

They don’t matter to me
They don’t matter to me
They don’t matter to me

Some fools don’t know jack
Some fools need to get off my back
Some fools should get no slack
They don’t matter to me
They don’t matter to me

No they don’t matter to me
They don’t matter to me

They don’t matter to me
They don’t matter to me
They don’t matter to me

There’s a lot of fools who want to tell me
How to live
Or what to do
Or how to feel
But I don’t need them cuz I know me
Yeah, I know me…

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Nice one. Sounds very real and spontaneous... Looks like I missed this first time round. I was thinking about Gene the other day, talking about him to my wife.

oldfolks2's avatar
oldfolks2 said

Love it Colleen, and bless Gene, a kind loving soul he was.

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

I just discovered your Colab-O-Rama playlist. I listed to most of and just enjoyed every moment.

4barrelcarb (4BC)'s avatar
4barrelcarb (4BC) said

Love the guitar and mandolin jam and vocal ensemble! NIce!

Gene Eric Mann's avatar
Gene Eric Mann said

At least 3 of my favorite musicians are hanging in or about Minneapolis, namely, Greg, Mark, and Colleen. Must be all the snow and moose sightings that keep y'all so artistically inspired.

MemphisMaiden's avatar
MemphisMaiden said

Lovely !

Throwing Bones's avatar
Throwing Bones said

Nice lyrics!

H R Music's avatar
H R Music said

I can relate.

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

*Another example where the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts* I think this live version is better than anything we could have ever cooked up in my basement no matter how much wine we drank. Thanks to Gene's help, this remix has a lot more definition. Bottom line, it's better when everyone comes together to contribute.

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Thanks to Gene for his help! This new version sounds much better!!!!!

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Hi Gene! Thanks for the offer. I sent you a separate message with my contact info. I'd appreciate it very much!

Gene Eric Mann's avatar
Gene Eric Mann said

Am I the only one who thinks this recording needs to be cranked up to between -10 and -15 dbs? I have the tools to boost this and at the same time eliminate any hiss/floor noise that might get boosted as well, if y'all are interested. Just say, "go for it" and tell me where to send the edited file.

Ron's avatar
Ron said

Greta tune Colleen...I love the lyrics, you guys sound really good together...wish I could have been there to jam....

Guest said

You two are on a roll. Very nice-- to all in your group… always love mandolins.

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Outstanding . . . I can hear Melissa and the rest of us harmonizing. Colin's bass is keeping us together and Scott's mandolin just brings it over the top. Great song and lots of fun!
