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Norm's Favorite tracks on Alonetone

by Norm


A New Son w/Norms Pilón For A New Son

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(Thanks Norm for a great beat i think i’m even in time here and there…. i tried ….. i’ve been meaning to do something with this beat ever since i first heard it …so after watching one born every minute on the TV i decided to finally try so here it is to Norms beat Pilon for a new son …hope you enjoy and thanks again Norm)

A New Son (Lyrics) it was January the 15th, we had spent most of the day at our daughters Birthday party it was now dark cold outside it was getting late and the pains of labour began The snow was laden on the ground
the wheels of the car slid a little as we reversed of the drive the night was clear and the stars glistened up above
i switched radio off and we calmly drove to the hospital, in silence the roads of the city were empty we entered the familier surroundings of the hospital, aware that time was about to stop

the hands of the clock in the room told it 7:45pm,
the only sound was the delicate blowing of the air conditioning coming through the vents in the wall
My wife held my hand as i rubbed the nape of her back in a circular motion
the mid-wife entered the room and introduced herself
My name is Carol and i will be with you this evening
like an air hostess on an airplane taking us on our trip
she had nice smile and her voice was calming that of a person in control
we felt safe, and the labour progressed quickly

my wife took the gas an air the little conversation there was, stopped
the pains became more in tense, as the pains of her contractions progressed
she was now gripping the edge of the upright trolley bed with white knuckles
her teeth clenching the plastic mouth piece for the gas and air
gasping deep breaths into her lungs to stop the pain
the contractions became quicker and quicker and the room filled with an intensity

the three of us felt the pressure, we were all on edge
she let out an intense primevil scream, as the top of head came through the opening
first, all that could be seen was a small patch of wet black mopped hair
then a purpley green forhead and a screwed up face looking up at me
it was wild and wonderful
the eyes tightly closed, a determined look on its face readying itself for delivery into this world
as i held her had with my right hand, i watched the amazing site that was playing out in front of me
just one more push,one more push and the baby squeezed out into the waiting hands of the midwife
we were safe
all was well
my son was born
the midwife wrapped him passed him to me and i held him tight
as i showed him to his Mother
it was Midnight

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Norm's avatar
Norm said

Excellent! Thanks for allowing me to be a part of this miraculous event. I love the ending!

Guest said

Love this Reg! The music is wonderful too. I can't comment on the RPM for you and Paul as I'm a guest but I really enjoyed it. Good work guys!
