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Norm's Favorite tracks on Alonetone

by Norm


Icicles at 101°

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(Featuring Jim Goodin fretless guitar, Chris Vaisvil fretless bass)

Norm's avatar
Norm said


Guest said

Oh, nice one, most enjoyable. Recently a friend played fretless guitar for me, it was fascinating.

richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

a really very nice colab, i think it's interesting in that on the one hand it's simple in from, and on the other it projects it self to a lot of depth,,, i suppose minimilist is a way to describe it? whatever,, i like it

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

And here's another! Nice work guys. I don't seem to understand enough about what you're doing to make sensible comments. Except this - I like it, keep doing it!
