alonetone radio: Popular


The Happy Inconsistencies's avatar
Give me an answer / Let me hear your voice
Spice Rack Collective's avatar
June 17th, Leum brought to the studio a lovely, plaintive reflection on lost love. He recorded a solid first take, accompanying himself on acoustic guitar, then invited the rest of us to fill out the production as we saw fit. Margaret added some…
Spice Rack Collective's avatar
Leum Monroe - Lyrics, songwriting, vocals, acoustic guitar Mike Anders - Vocals, acoustic guitar Matt Appleberry - Electric guitar Kenny Tannehill - Bass, background vocals Nick Peshman - Recording Kevin Craig - Drums, recording, mixing
Spice Rack Collective's avatar
Leum Monroe - Lyrics, songwriting, vocals, acoustic guitar Margaret Bibb - Vocals Kevin Craig - Recording, mixing
Coyote Senate's avatar
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
++C + B++ = Pedalium If you know, you know...
Robert James's avatar
The next time you get an idea to experiment with 5/8 time........ don't. The rhythm guitar tracks are my Les Paul into an Analog Man King of Time into a Vox MV50. I think the leads are the same but I forgot to write it down on the Trello card…
Robert James's avatar
I really have lost whatever tiny amount of singing ability I used to have, right? Who knew that my vocal skills were dependent on not losing a ton of weight. I didn't see that coming. This is a rare example of a song that I like more after…
Robert James's avatar
I can't sing to save my life anymore. This was the first of 10 songs I started for a June 2023 Album in a Month project and it was the last song I finished. Probably because it is not good at all. All of the guitars are a Les Paul standard…
montgomeru's avatar
thetworegs's avatar
Its raining again here so no gardening today so I'm down the cellar dreaming of warmer climes and messing with the guitar ...Thanks For listening I’m going travelling to where the sunset settles on those wine groves I’m gonna feel the wind…
Kevyspice's avatar
Last-minute effort at the end of a busy, busy month. Recorded the drums at the studio on 6/17, then added MIDI piano parts (taken from the EZ Keys library, not my own fingers!) and live bass just before the REM Challenge deadline for June. Whew!
Newbold's avatar
thumbjam loop midi file opened in musescore 4 and split layered and rendered like this to mp3..
KV Schaefer's avatar
Original song about a liminal moment in a healing journey; the persistent feeling of being existentially lost, even while supported by an abundance of resources. +++ TWO ASTROLOGERS I got two astrologers I got google calendars Late night…
AaronP63's avatar
June 2023 REM (Record every Month) Submission .. Used a mix of Soft and Hard Synth's
MikeyHogan's avatar
This song is a bit of a mess, I only had a pre-chorus in mind when I started writing it. But I kept working at it and this is what came out in the end. It's kind of weird but I like it!
montgomeru's avatar
montgomeru's avatar
montgomeru's avatar
montgomeru's avatar